That last scene of the game just hits

This game had me hooked right from the start. It still holds up extremely well.

This is one of thos games with infinite replayability for me. Even with just like the first couple worlds I would never get tired of this game. Also the music is phenomenal and extremely catchy. The only real issue I have with this game is some of the enemy placements.

There was a solid 3 months where this was the only game I played besides multiplayer stuff with friends.

It's like scooby doo but instead you get teddy

Atmosphere and music were great.

Played through it twice and still not tired of it this game has great replay value

Bro that final boss was insane. Out of all the souls games I’d say this is probably the most focused one out of them

This game is like a painting. Every frame looks so beautiful.The skill system is the highlight of the game of the game for me. All the skills really make the game feel unique even though they may be considered simple by today’s standards. The battle system is also pretty good but is a little janky sometimes. The story is pretty good but overall somewhat basic, but I think the characters make up for it.

Pretty great all the powers were amazing and choosing different ones completely change how you play the game. The story was also great the last few missions really had me engaged in the story

I think this is the best racing game ever i could play this any time. The music and drifting are so good.

The gameplay is better than the first but at the cost of a worse story

Pretty good for the start of the series. Only real issue I had was some of the stuff in this game is so random like there is no way I’m gonna find that out myself