GOTY 2021

Games that I am considering for the GOTY 2021.

Based and Gorbinopilled. Absolutely hilarious and super addictive gameplay loop. Intentionally repulsive and aggressively doing its own thing. Truly one of a kind
The best Dragon Engine game from a combat perspective. The story's conspiracy gets too convoluted for its own good but the characters are very strong and the DLC is probably the best story RGG has told in a while
Graphically a step down from how the first 2 looked but it more than makes up for it with its killer aesthetics elsewhere. The story isn't as strong as Travis Strikes Again but it is still very enjoyable overall. It feels like the start of a new saga so its story doesn't feel as conclusive as I expected it to be
A solid but flawed remake. I still think the original is better
A pretty good first playthrough but on repeat attempts you know all its tricks and see past the smoke and mirrors to find that the game is pretty damn scripted so the scares are dull by the end of it
The least obnoxious piece of R&C media to come out in a decade
They made the same game for the third time and had a pretty weak ending. I really hope that with their time away from the series IO will be able to do something really unique with the next installment. If its just the same formula for the 4th time i am done with the series
(Haven't Finished) New weapons are amazing
(Haven't finished) fun so far but some areas the backgrounds and foregrounds are too hard to distinguish
The best survival horror game in years
Played 30 minutes of, liked what i've seen so far
MID AS FUCK. Play Prey 2017 instead
Haven't Played Yet
Haven't Played Yet


Haven't Played Yet
Haven't Played Yet
Haven't Played Yet


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