Temp review:
It's Bedrock. So...

Breath of The Wild is a remarkable game that I wish I could experience again for the first time.

This game nails the feeling of exploring nature like no other. Although some mechanics can be a bit annoying (like being nearly completely unable ) I find myself completely getting lost in the amazing fields, forests, beaches, and mountains crafted in this version of Hyrule. The combat feels punchy and satisfying and although others may complain about the weapons breaking, I really enjoy the loop of always finding and trying out new weapons and think the low weapon durability is needed to encourage that.

Ambiance is something I value a lot in games and Breath of The Wild for me is unmatched in that regard. I absolutely adore the post-post-apocalyptic setting and masterful environmental storytelling. Breath of The Wild also manages to perfectly balance the visual styles of previous Zelda games, keeping the fantasy realism of titles like Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess and mixing it with the slightly cartoon like cel-shaded style of Wind Waker.

Breath of The Wild is a masterclass in exploration that I'm sure will be talked about in the discussion of open world games for years to come.

FromSoftware knows how to make their games, and Bloodborne is the one I wish so badly we had a continuation of.

Bloodborne's amazing eldritch horror themes and heavy H.P. Lovecraft influence spin a horrific web of intrigue that many other stories and games with the same influences fail to capture. Bloodborne is soaked in amazing designs and small details that make this game ooze with personality.

The classic Soulslike mechanics that FromSoft is known for are tweaked so well to feel more intimidating and aggressive. The ability for insight to actually change the environment and show more horrors that lurk just beyond the veil works extremely well as a storytelling device. Every second you spend unraveling the past of Yharnam and the Healing Church feels engaging and rewarding.

In conclusion, Bloodborne is fucking sick please give us Bloodborne 2 and Bloodborne Karting.

Weird sequel to one of my favorite games of all time.

With a pretty troubled development, I'm happy to at least have a final product. I still greatly enjoy Below Zero, it still has the same spirit of resource collection and survival but it's definitely in a different category than it's predecessor.

Followed this game through nearly its entire development and enjoyed ever second of it.

Subnautica creates an incredible atmosphere of loneliness, curiosity, and horror in a way that many other open world titles can only hope to achieve. The gameplay is a great balance of resource gathering and survival that entwines itself with an extremely intriguing story that always pushes you in the right direction of progressing.

Not the mention the aliens! The fascinating alien ecosystem that the devs crafted for Subnautica's world balances just the right mix of realism and speculation to make the science-sided mind of a player like me go wild.

Growing up with Subnautica greatly influenced my affinity towards survival games and may have even inspired me to look more towards real life sciences!

I had never played a Metroidvania before Hollow Knight and had no idea what to expect jumping in. Hollow Knight blew my fucking mind.

Hollow Knight's tight controls, challenging boss fights, rewarding exploration, nonlinear progression, and detailed and beautifully stylized art combines with so many other fantastic aspects of this game to create one of the most unique gaming experiences I have ever had.

Hollow Knight is one of the few games to make me so interested in the hidden story and lore that I actively went out of my way to read wiki articles and watch hours of YouTube video essays talking about it.

I sure do hope Silksong releases at some point!

One of the greatest fan-mods the Half-Life community has to offer.

Sometimes feels a bit like fanfiction in some parts, but it does not bother me at all. I actually greatly enjoy the crossover with other aspects of this franchise that base Half-Life 2 did not get to.

An interesting mod that now serves as setup for an astonishingly amazing mod.

I sometimes wonder why they went through with publishing this instead of just letting it die with the Dreamcast port. I enjoyed it just the tiniest bit more than Opposing Force, but still wasn't as thrilled with it as I am the other parts of this franchise.

Had a better time in this than I did with OpFor.

Not a huge fan of additions that OpFor makes to the Half-Life series. I still enjoyed it as a game, but I've had better experiences with fan-made mods than this professionally-commissioned mod to the original Half-Life.

How do you one up the original Portal? How is it possible? The first Portal already blew me away but Portal 2 somehow adds even more charm to the already amazing series.

The amazing story, new mechanics to puzzles, and support for community made puzzles truly makes Portal 2 well deserving of its top rated spot on Steam.

Although I'm on the fence about how to feel about the redesigning of Aperture, I do think it was for the better in the long run for the writing.

What is there to say that hasn't already been said? Portal is one of the greatest puzzle game franchises of all time. It's loose tie-in to the Half-Life series is partially the reason I gave that franchise a chance to begin with!

Original puzzles and mechanics, great writing and atmosphere. I have no idea how they could ever one up this.

Loved the puzzles, loved the mechanics, loved the art style, loved the story, loved the characters, loved the music. Prodigal is another game that I played on a whim and loved to the fullest.