Never played a game that has ever seemed so bounded by its own budget limitations. This could've been so much better with a larger team and a bigger pool to work with but just comes across as lazy and bad. Just wish this game could be better.

I liked it. It's cool. I support anything cyberpunk I see even when it's made from a notoriously mediocre studio. I love the visuals and the voice acting, and the entire setting. I love the memory segments and how they deal with certain themes. I love a lot about this game, plus the tension is good. It's good for being the only cyberpunk horror game.

I am a evolve defender. If this came out in 2023 people would be all over this saying its a bold example of multiplayer innovation. Especially since turtle rock has to shit out back 4 blood after this ☠️

Who knew making a sequel to a bland boring 7th gen shooter would result in an even worse game that feels like a mixture of the worst of 7th gen and the worst of 8th gen

Wouldn't it be funny if we took an amazing modern imsim and turned it into a basic ass FPS game with boring decisions? Sure the fans would love that. Oh wait they did. They fucking ate it up.

Haha guys remember uhh quake? Boomer shooter? Old silly doom like? Wanna play another one? I'm sure this trend isn't annoying as hell. Ultrakill is okay though it's fun I just hate these weird ass fans

I want to enjoy this game but man is it poorly executed I want to play super cool user death runs pretty much not whatever this is

Heyyy! I'm here to review another game 😝😝 Girls band party?? Haha more like I love girls! If only the girls would make out mid song I'd rate this 5 stars! Lesbians unite (I'm a straight white man who loved this game until they took away my account)

No I don't like it. No I won't explain why. I can't put in words my distain for this game but it's genuinely my least favourite game ever made 😄

Margaret Moonlight is so fine I wish she'd shoot me

It's a guilty pleasure of mine. Yeah it's pretty much unfinished but what's here that does land is great I just love the style and the combat feels so mmm when it hits. You aren't gonna like this game but I do. I took the sudapill long ago.

One of the most nothing games ever created. Extremely soulless in every way.

I like dmc4 at least the level environments are varied and interesting instead of demon tree and destroyed city

This game is so fucking awful its almost good the dialogue is unintentionally super funny and fighting a helicopter for a boss in a DMC game never isn't funny only pussies skip DMC2 you just shoot everything for a couple hours it's super easy to get through