This is bargain bin Portal. If you are like me and your favorite game of all time is Portal and you cannot get enough of first person puzzle platformers, this game will scratch that itch.
Is it good? No. It is not. Is it passable? I guess.
I will say, people were frustrated with the later levels with monsters which I thought were mediocre levels, but they weren't quite as painful as I expected based on the reviews I had read.

Fun but kind of an odd card acquisition model that I don't love

An interesting little time loop game. I thought it would be puzzley-er than it was, but I enjoyed it and binged almost the whole thing in one night.

I loved the aesthetic and liked the puzzles. I wish it had been a little more difficult or a little longer maybe? I felt challenged only really a couple times the entire game.
There were a couple parts that blew my mind where I got to the solution more on accident than by intention and was like "WHOA!"

It was so poorly made in so many ways. The graphics and camera controls felt like a Gamecube game. It lagged frequently. Every single minigame was trash, especially picnicking / sandwich making. The interiors of most (but not all!?) buildings were just menus rather than actually rendered locations.
HOWEVER, the classic Pokemon collecting and battling were fun, even top notch. The enemies used smarter strategies than usual. The finding and catching Pokemon in the open was a huge step up for collecting. There were way more bosses to fight than usual which I thought was an improvement. It was easy but it is a kids game after all. The story was above average.
Overall, pretty good. Glad I played it. Definitely not one to skip if you are a fan of the series. Worth ignoring all the technical issues.

This is basically vanilla Hearthstone with a better theme and one tiny tweak on gameplay. It is insanely unoriginal and will not wow anyone who regularly plays these kinds of games.

I have about a dozen more complaints: The starter decks are garbage and it seems like it will be slow to level up collections. They used the exact draft mechanic from Runeterra which recently Runeterra literally turned off because it was a flop. There are cards which are directly superior to other cards, not even different races just directly worse vanilla cards to dilute the card pool. The "value" bundles are worse value than just buying packs.

But honestly the biggest complaint is just the blandness. How many Hearthstone clones have to fail before someone realizes that you need to actually innovate? I have played probably 6 or 7 Hearthstone clones at this point and honestly this may be the LEAST different. It seems like the designers of this game don't have an ounce of creativity which basically guarantees this game will fail.

Beautiful and fun. One of very few games I have had my wife play and she basically played through the whole thing in one sitting.

Possibly my least favorite of these games but still great.

Wonderful puzzle-ish detective-ish game. Exploring this weird tower and figuring out the languages is enthralling and very satisfying in the end.
I didn't love the stealth stuff and the game was occasionally tedious but the bright parts far outweigh those downsides. I loved this game and can wholeheartedly recommend it.

One of if not the single best mod I have ever played. Very high quality in every way. Totally enjoyed.


Still one of the best puzzle games ever made. Eagerly awaiting the anniversary edition.

I liked it. I was quite done with it by the time credits rolled but overall I am glad I played it.

I think that the puzzles were well made and tight early on and got looser and sloppier the later in the game you went. By the end, the mix of powers and types of terrain and blocks etc made it so I felt I was constantly solving stuff in unintended ways. Don't feel the need to 100% it.

It is a pleasant diversion. I am not surprised it got all the buzz it did.

More Golden Idol. What's not to love?

Honestly, I expected more of the same. And yeah it is more of the same but it is much improved in every way.

The story is excellent and much more exciting (if not strictly better since the first one also has a very interesting philosophical story). The art and environments are way way prettier. And most importantly, the puzzles are much better and more consistently interesting. The first one's main problem is that it really dragged. Toward the end it had no new ideas and was just adding tedium rather than fun new puzzles. In this one, I never felt like a puzzle was tedious or repetitive or boring. I am somewhat shocked to be giving it the full 5 stars, but it was that good.