Fantastic rogue-like deck builder. Wholly unique poker based gameplay. Combos are super fun and the game is super addicting.

It was good. Solid. Decent. I don't know! It was tedious. The puzzles were mostly convoluted "What order do you do this in?" type puzzles with occasional "Aha!" moments sprinkled in.

I guess it was a cool art style and some good mechanics but puzzle design was pretty mixed.

The ending I had some issues with the controls that dampened my opinions a bit, but it was still undeniably a cool ending.

I get it. I get why people love this. But to me, the combat and enemy design was mostly bad. But much worse is the incredibly poorly designed skill tree:
The game has 8 different branches of powers to level up, but if you level up anything other than your throw power this is a huge mistake and you will have a bad time playing this game. The melee power even fully upgraded does essentially no damage. It is just wasted points. Health upgrades also don't matter at all, because everything basically tickles you or one shots you. I didn't explore the shield powers or ground slam, but I would be shocked if those could hold a candle to the throw.

I would have liked the combat and therefore the entire game better if that skill tree wasn't so horribly balanced.

Never got the true ending which seemed insanely tough, but basically beat all other content. This game was WAYYY better than I expected. Puzzley combat, and well designed interesting deck building. The one flaw of the game is that you can literally lose a run on one combat blunder, which can be frustrating. Overall, HIGHLY recommend to fans of the genre.

Quite an interesting game. I am surprised there are not more games like this. Just a nice story and some simple minigames to move the story along.

At 1 hour long and only $3, every puzzle game enjoyer should play this. It is a delight.

Definitely has that "just one more battle" feeling I get from a good rogue-like. I liked my build a lot and plan to try more.

It was pleasant. Took me less than 2 hours and was never amazing but the story was good, the pixel graphics were great, and overall it was a well polished enjoyable experience.

REALLY does not hold up well but at the time it was the best game ever.

Story is better. The builds are pretty interesting. The open world stuff is all fun. It hasn't grabbed me the way previous Diablo games did but I definitely am liking it. Would definitely recommend to Diablo fans but definitely doesn't eclipse the genre in any way.

Edit: Season 4 is a big improvement. The graphics and UI and combat are all best in class in this, and the systems and items and progression are all being constantly improved. I will not be surprised if this eventually becomes the greatest ARPG ever, but it isn't there yet.

Pretty good card game. Definitely not my favorite theme and I know no one else who has even heard of it which sort of kills my enjoyment, it for sure this is a clever little digital card game that is worth the time of any big fans of the genre.

This is an interesting story game for sure. It is very imaginative and intriguing, although I did find it a bit grim for my tastes. It is EXTREMELY linear and offers literally no gameplay at all other than looking around and walking slowly toward the next trigger, but for a game like this I don't think that is a bad thing.
My main criticism is that this game was weirdly similar to Gone Home in a bunch of ways. Like, all the subplots are very original and interesting, but the overall game is a walking simulator set in a creepy old empty house trying to figure out what happened to the people that lived there. The structure is so similar to Gone Home that after I read the summary after buying it and thought I had made a mistake and bought a game I had already played.

Took a game I already adored and made it WAY better and more replayable. Still occasionally pick it up to this day.

A giant leap downward for the series. Enemy design was mostly terrible. Plot was dumb. Graphics didn't look that great for the time. New mechanics were a step backwards. Super disappointing.