Slowmo gunfights in office buildings. There is also a scary girl.

For stealth freaks only. Expectations were low, but was pleasantly surprised. They even pulled off having half of the game be backtracking. The story was better than expected also.

This is why you don't discuss art with binary definitions. The story is a mess with some good parts. The gameplay is tedious Bioshock shooting, but still playable. The art design is fantastic, and so on.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II was written by people who hate Star Wars. That's why it's so good.

Nice and chill, easy platforming. Some kind of visual metaphor about death or rebirth, idk.

Perfection in simplicity. There should be more games with unconventional control schemes.

A great conclusion to the series. Ditches the nordic depression for over the top Die Hard-esque action catharsis. The airport scene.

Surprisingly good for what it is.

This blew everyone away back in 2004, and you know what ? It's still good! The highlight for me was the cryo-sleep pod section. Absolutely terrifying if you think about it.

Slightly, and I do mean slightly below it's predecessor quality-wise. The best part is the first one when you're on the ship.


I'm not saying anything new, but this is how not to modernize a series. The worst part about it is, that you do sometimes get close to that Thief feeling and imagine what could have been, but then it's gone.

One of best Ubisoft games; buried by it's publisher.

Still an epic classic. The part where you push a block to avoid the timed spikes can fuck off though.

Back when Blizzard could do no wrong.