About Me, Dadhunter (JC)

Scooby Doo

Best Story
I fell in love with Elysium
Favorite Ending
Game you always come back to
I just can't escape the Mojave. I'm forever tied to it
Favorite Game
No words can even begin to make justice to this game. Instant classic
Favorite Protagonist
You sweet stupid motherfucker
Favorite series
I come back to this almost monthly. I love you so fucking much guys
Relaxing Game
I was in a pretty dark period in my life when I played this and I feel that complete stranger saved me
Favorite Boss Fight
That Final Boss blows my socks off everytime I play it
Best Art Style
The mix of assyrian, native american and celtic cultures is mesmerizing
You love, everyone hates
Nostalgia's a bitch
Game of your childhood
I was one of those kids, yeah
You hate, everyone loves.
I just can't take this games seriously
Stressful Game
FUCK taoism, FUCK feng shui, FUCK getting illuminated.
Never change
Guilty Pleasure
I'm so sick and tired of Star Wars but I just can't let go of this man
Favorite Villain
Goofy ass
Tons of hours played
Have not played yet but want to
I'm going to die mad about it


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