In agreement with the majority here. It's great.

Twas okay. Love the level design. Literally would have been impossible were I not using the save anytime/rewind functions on Switch.

Main campaign played through. I had fun with it. Loved blasting guys and leveling up. A lot of the animations and story prompts were weak or non-existent, appearing instead as text. It streamlined moving forward but made immersion in the story a little bit trickier.

Love the map design and how leveling up opens new paths and puzzles. Often though I'd find myself confused about where to head next until the game would eventually prompt me so it would lead to a lot of aimless wandering. Bosses were a bit on the tough side but not impossible.

Perfectly builds on the ideas and mechanics of its NES predecessors and helps further synthesize the Mario lore. Plus it's just a hella fun old-school platformer. Loved it as a kid, love it today.

I found this to be just a bit too difficult, not in the puzzle construction, but in nudging you toward your next objective. I ended up having to refer to an online guide repeatedly which is something I try not to do.

Is it just me or is this game real

Pretty fun platforming the design that milks all of its limited resources for varied and skilled gameplay.

I beat this but it woulda been nearly impossible if it weren't for the rewind feature on the Switch. Fun and varied powers on top of some pretty innovative and challenging platform design. I enjoyed this throwback run-through.

One of my favorite games as a kid and aside from a few wonky controls it holds up great.


Lotta tense moments. Lotta really interesting philosophy at play.

This was alright. The story was pretty basic, even with the gravitas of Giancarlo Esposito popping in and out a few times throughout, but some of the side characters were fun and my character Dani was a badass. Gameplay itself felt like standard Far Cry/FPS stuff, enough to keep me engaged through the main quest, but I don't think I'll be revisiting the world of Yara too often now that I've seen all the sights and killed 1000s of guys.