In my heart it's perfect, but come on.

I remember writing a 2 star review of this game immediately after beating it. Several months later I saw that review and could not believe that was how I felt. Fortunately I never have to play it again so I can enjoy it how it is meant to be enjoyed. Retroactively.


I hate this. I love Drakengard and automata. I don't understand.

Any 7th Gen game that bolstered the at the time reasonable fantasy that not only was innovation alive and well, but that it would stick around for years to come gets at least 4 stars, baby.

It's too potent for me. I must return to it when I am stronger.

Man, this game is terrible, and on DOS the music is eye wateringly shrill.

Man Tasked with Writing Score to Space Marine and Alien Riding an SUV Creates Transcendental Word of Art

It is a waking nightmare to know that the style and irreverence of Arcane Kids is only ever going to be a thing of the past, and can never be recreated. Have fun clawing through "All New Releases" on steam for anything that matches Sonic Dreams Collection, a free "joke" game about sonic weirdos, by any metric.

Scott, a devout christian, has taken the life of a flagellant and bricked himself into the Freddy mines. God bless him.
Seriously though this is likely the best game I've ever seen aesthetically. Stunningly beautiful.

I beat level five with a cowboy gun I'm gonna cum