It’s pretty solid though I don’t find songbird a very interesting character that I really care about.
I found Reed and Alex to be much more defined characters and I’m actually kinda upset how Alex just dies offscreen.

I first did Songbird’s path and then did Reed’s path and Reed’s path is much more interesting and has what I think the true ending is.
Anyway i think it was pretty good.

I played the shit out of this thing on my iPhone 3

Still flawed and still far more buggy than people talked about.
I had multiple scenes where NPCs T Posed, characters mouth animations not triggering, quests failing to trigger, Johnny sliding around in the same position, having objects like dumpsters spawn around my character, keeping me from completing missions, falling through the city, characters being stuck in Potato Mode for a minute at most during cutscenes, and my favorite which was when I tried to drive a truck through a cop and the game started to completely glitch out and the truck started floating like in Repo Man and then it launched me halfway across the map and onto a building.

Even with those bugs and some story issues this was some of the most fun I have ever had playing a game.
I hate lore and I’m not nerdy about any worlds in games or anything but this has one of my favorite worlds in fiction, I love Night City and all it’s world building and endless stories and I had a blast through this.

I played through it with my 9 year old sister and she cried through the last two hours of the game and called it “beautiful”

One of the better Boomer Shooter retro games I’ve played but I find this genre of new boomer shooters to be kinda cheap.

Great game, I wish Dodge Roll didn’t abandon it because of the dumb launch.

Might be the best thing to come out of Bioshock.

The gameplay is tedious and annoying but that ending makes me cry every damn time.
It’s worth going through some of the worst stealth ever just for that moment.

My hot take is that I like Burial at Sea more than any of the other Ken Levine Bioshock projects.

I couldn’t get into it

It’s the worst BL2 DLC of course but I have to give it credit for very cleverly setting up Tales from the Borderlands.

Portal Radio Loop 10 hours

“You are one messed up guy”

None of the other Borderlands games capture the same joyful gameplay loop that this has.