Fuck the people who complain about this game. It's so charming and the characters are so memorable. Has the best Zelda.

A solid game back in the day but a broken mess now due to the lack of support from the developers. Game is full of hackers.

It's classic harvest moon style gameplay pretty relaxing.

My only complaint are that stages are too long I would've preferred more shorter levels. Other than that it's an improvement overall from Doom 2016.

I expected just Link to the Past 2 and was completely blown away. Peak top down 2-D Zelda right here.

Boost stages are amazing and so fun to replay. Not a big fan of the classic stages because the controls don't feel right.

The first of the NSMB games and I think it's alright.

This game made a grown man cry bro.

My first Fire Emblem game and probably my favorite.

It's alright needs more content and I think the monetization is trash for a game that cost $20.

The best in the series hands down.

This is the equivalent of a G/Ultimate release of previous Monster Hunters. New snow area is massive and full of little details and secrets. Newer monster are cool but are completely overshadowed by the over abundance of returning monsters. The claw is really cool but way too broken and can easily be abused. Guiding-lands is good but the levels going down if another area goes up kinda blows. Overall really good.