One of my earliest memories ever was playing this game and getting upset that I couldn't read any of the text when I was like 4-5 but still walking around Hyrule because it was cool and I guess I wanted to be Link

Beating this game almost 17 years later for the first time felt like going back to an old playground essentially (with all the memory and thought baggage that brings)

Good pinball game still

I played this game for Allen (the guy on the box art that looks like he would kill you if you suggested eating a diet that had nutrients for a healthy human body) and you should too it's pretty short


Shinji Mikami and Suda51 swapping notes

At the 2007-2008 Atlus meeting room discussions on how we can expand our market and get the money from grandma on Christmas

1 star for Sheikah fit link + 2 stars for how I felt when first playing the game + 0 stars for longevity

A midlife-crisis where their heart was almost in the right place but also they hired Gackt

consumes dollar bills

Me walking 5 miles for the Travis Scott Burger (Green Hill Zone) only to go back to my house and die (Marble Zone)

Based on a true story

One of those video games I definitely could've gotten a 100 for (joyfully) writing a book report on in high school

A game about managing your style business and making you feel like the kind of person that would love EVERY song in a Guitar Hero game and almost never got along with your sibling (I already got that last part)

If you told a wrestler to make a sequel to Shin Megami Tensei

If you refined the wheel so much that you're selling millions, make that same wheel but make it tasty (donut wheel)

Taking atoms of game design ideas to create an image that has lasted to this day

The first time I felt the desire for "anime" in my bones.

I legit thought the lag was "time slowing down" lol

Dragon Quest for nostalgia seekers

The Charlie Brown of video games

A game I cherished when I was someone else, a 14-year-old