one of my favourite shooters ever made, no other game in the series gives off the same vibe as the first installment

in 10 years people will look at all the shit nomura wrote and realize that, yes it was indeed just a phase that lasted too long

the games good but the story is soooo shit, it feels like its pandering to weebs with blatant irony so it can be defended via "parody" and "satire" card.
its 2022 writing is one of the oldest forms of art we practiced how tf are we still stuck on this level of quality

golden because my piss is better than this dogshit

if Manhunt 3 ever got released with todays level of attention to detail and graphical fidelity then Horror will be at it's peak.

Manhunt is a 1 of 1 gaming experience

this game shouldn't be stuck on the ps3

it didn't need a remake in the first place.

try to not do the big homo challenge:

a piece of dogshit that doesnt fix the issues of the original but keeps the asinine Nomura like story, this shit is beyond corny

4 because skill based matchmaking is not fucking me in the ass rn, i'll lower it when skill based matchmaking starts fucking me in the ass aka fuck you activision

edit: skill based matchmaking is fucking me in the ass as we speak and that shit has atleast 2 liters of lube on it i'm not fucking around activision you need to go bankrupt and if it takes microsoft going bankrupt then so be it.




they raped the original to give us a classic modern square enix rpg, take off your nostalgia glasses and look at this shit clearly

one of the worst stories i've ever had the displeasure of experiencing, words cannot describe how much this game stank