RPGMaker/WOLF RPG gems

Stand-out RPGMaker and WOLF RPG titles that go a step beyond the usual fare. Check notes for more details.

Primarily from this list I saw on /v/ one time

Missing from IGDB:
Standstill Girl

Dark Necklofar

Alchemy Schoollife

Alter A.I.L.A Genesis

Sequel Blight

Dogma no Hakoniwa [ドグマの箱庭]
Part of a series of 2ch VIPRPGs made in RPGMaker 2000. This is an advanced shitpost to put it lightly, as it is caked in edginess and extreme grotesqueness. Apparently the plot is actually pretty good and involved though but it's Japanese only.

Hikkikomori Quest

Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer

El sueno de la razon

The Way (2008)



Alone in the Dark remake

OG and Steam releases specifically (the upcoming console versions will feature altered gameplay for some sequences).

Features meta puzzles and story elements which take place in the player's OS rather than the game itself. When Niko rests, the game closes itself. The initial release disallowed further attempts at the game following a playthrough.
Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
Fear & Hunger
Fear & Hunger
Survival horror title, blending together Berserk, Silent Hill, and Lovecraft with a baroque artstyle and deformations of the flesh. Has a dismemberment system. According to some randies on Steam it's obscenely dark and oppressive.
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Lisa: The First
Lisa: The First
Space Funeral
Space Funeral
A series of two RPGMaker dark fantasy horror H-games with Dark Souls-esque gameplay tropes (bonfires, flasks, souls as currency, esoteric quest parameters). Themed around western fairy-tales and similar source content. Difficult as hell, and at times makes Berserk look cheerful. Open world with a high degree of freedom, Active Time battles, no random encounters. Every NPC can be killed. Has optional erotic content with a mix of consensual and non-con scenes.
End Roll
End Roll
Described as an 'regretful adventure RPG,' a 14 year old murderer named Russell is forced to participate in an experiment for the drug Happy Dream or face the death penalty. In taking the drug daily over a week, he is tasked with figuring out what guilt and remorse are by interacting with the ghosts of his past in his dreams. Noteworthy for its storytelling, unique premise, and interesting characters as well as some shocking scenes. Features a lot of optional party dialogue.
Pocket Mirror
Pocket Mirror
Toilet in Wonderland
Toilet in Wonderland
One Way Heroics
One Way Heroics
Procedurally-generated turn-based roguelike with forced scrolling.
Mikoto Nikki
Mikoto Nikki
Cat in the Box
Cat in the Box
Tales of the Black Forest
Tales of the Black Forest
Blank Dream
Blank Dream
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Fausts Alptraum
Fausts Alptraum
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User
Helen's Mysterious Castle
Helen's Mysterious Castle
Yume Nikki-like mired in flesh and gore. You play an embryo that collects items to mutate yourself further and please your mother. Like Yume Nikki it's about exploration and horror above all else. Cancelled in 2018.
Walking on a Star Unknown
Walking on a Star Unknown
Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins
Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins
Exploration story about ruins (gasp) mixed with geopolitical drama. Claimed by some to be like if you wrote a novel using RPGMaker instead of Microsoft Word. Don't go into it expecting groundbreaking gameplay, but it does have a backgrounds system, job system, encounters which change based on stats and skills, and plenty of secrets. Very idiosyncratic for an RPGMaker title, generally falling more in line with WRPGs and Etrian Odyssey than typical JRPG fare.

Just got a translation last year! And a two part novelisation in 2018?
OFF/Dark Souls inspired surrealist JRPG with no levelling. Magnificent art and music.
Paranormal Syndrome
Paranormal Syndrome
Amayado Bus Stop
Amayado Bus Stop
Desert Nightmare
Desert Nightmare
Towelket: One More Time 2 (Karaage Tanpopo)
Towelket: One More Time 2 (Karaage Tanpopo)
A series of quirky, Earthbound inspired RPGs (wait don't leave yet) that mix harem anime tropes and fairy-tale premises with violence, psychosis, sexual perversions, cynicism, and existential horror. There are no random encounters as all monsters are visible on the map. This entry is particularly grim as it gets going. The series generally has the planet getting invaded by aliens. You can consult this chart for more info on individual entries and play order.
Imaginary Friends
Imaginary Friends
My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt
My Hole is a Mouth of Dirt
Demon King Chronicle
Demon King Chronicle
Cryptic, beautiful exploratory JRPG with non-linear gameplay and unforgiving battles. The watercolour art is gorgeous, and much of the plot is left unanswered in a deliberate fashion. Probably don't look into it too much before playing, at least according to the SA LP.
Vampires Dawn: Reign of Blood
Vampires Dawn: Reign of Blood
German title which grew to popularity there, even appearing in some print publications. Considered the apex of the German RPGMaker scene of the early 2000s. Heavy use of scripting to achieve mechanics which are very rare in RPGMaker titles. Sequel received top billing in an issue of Bravo Screenfun. Third game is available on Steam.
Utaho no Tatari
Utaho no Tatari
Lenin - The Lion
Lenin - The Lion
No-battle Brazilian Earthbound-inspired drama RPG. This one gets a pass for its diegetic menu system alone; if you lose your backpack, you also lose all access to the menus.
Seraphic Blue
Seraphic Blue
2004 release noteworthy for its hour-long cutscenes and turn of the century edginess. Features an in-game glossary which updates as the story progresses. Cynical and shocking story accompanied by progressively disturbing monster design. Highly difficult. Japanese release is notorious for its very heavy use of kanji which many find pretentious.
Please Love My Computer Game
Please Love My Computer Game
Tobira no Densetsu: Kaze no Tsubasa
Tobira no Densetsu: Kaze no Tsubasa
Obscenely long and untranslated JRPG about a 15 year old girl trying to secure funds for her sister's treatment through an epic quest. Despite the premise, it isn't afraid to get dark when it needs to. Worldbuilding is set up for minimal infodumps, if you want a deeper dive into the lore there are libraries you can visit for encyclopedias. When you learn information, you can bring it up with NPCs for more dialogue, similar to Morrowind. There's also a huge roster of party members. I would be very surprised if this ever gets an English patch.
Liar Jeannie in Crucifix Kingdom
Liar Jeannie in Crucifix Kingdom
No levelling RPG with asymmetrical party members, dark tone, and downright casual characters. Everything is equipment dependent as that's how you get skills and stats. Not much plot but apparently what is there is pretty good. Quick, frictionless combat.
The Last Sovereign
The Last Sovereign
Adult fantasy H-RPG with a plot that mixes themes of religion, divinity, power, and politics with deep world-building and well-written characters. The combat is basic but the game includes strategic elements and economic simulation.
A Blurred Line
A Blurred Line
Cyberpunk RPG that takes after Deus Ex. Considered one of the best RPGMaker titles ever made due to its compelling story and open-ended gameplay. Actions have consequences. Sadly unfinished, the final chapter was teased for a 2002 release but never came out.
The Amber Throne
The Amber Throne
Unterwegs in Düsterburg
Unterwegs in Düsterburg
Another title from the German RPGMaker Renaissance of the early 2000s. High production values and witty dialogue. Inspired by old JRPGs and tabletop games. No English translation but there is an LP thread available here.
Faraway Story
Do you like Reccetear? Do you like Koei Tecmo's Atelier games? This has the shop selling of the former with the alchemy of the latter. Story is far grander with lots of optional bosses and both randomised and designed dungeons to explore. Part 2 is still in the works and focuses a lot on the postgame but Part 1 is complete as its own scenario.
Theia: The Crimson Eclipse
Theia: The Crimson Eclipse
Nocturne: Rebirth
Nocturne: Rebirth
ATB JRPG with fast, cinematic combat a la Final Fantasy and Grandia. Versatile levelling system via skill upgrades, a familiar summon system, compelling characters.
Space Pilgrim Saga
Space Pilgrim Saga
Tales of the Drunken Paladin
RPG golden-era styled comedy title where you can be a good paladin or a shit paladin. No high stakes or grand story, just a fun little romp.
The Pale City
The Pale City
One-man seven year project heavily influenced by CRPGs like Planescape: Torment and Arcanum. Challenging, methodical, and dark. Strong focus on strategy and status effects. Battles are rare and largely fought solo. The creator is an independent novelist whose books sound very compelling.
Deeproot Manor
Deeproot Manor
Dhux's Scar
Dhux's Scar
Spanish title oozing with dark humour, anti-Catholic vibes (a la Blasphemous), and dope enemy design. Largely follows a classic JRPG design. Has a 'true' story progression of power wherein you start as a complete loser and by the end feel your power. Gory!
Dark Eternal: Dissolution
Dark Eternal: Dissolution
U.S.G. A New Beginning
U.S.G. A New Beginning


1 year ago

there's a bunch of those shitty horror ones like crooked man, ao oni, mad father... will you be listing all of them released using the engine?

1 year ago

For the moment this is just a list of RPGMaker games heavily recommended by /v/ or elsewhere (Only RPGMaker games I've played are LISA and Black Souls)

1 year ago

Can't wait for the notes on the other games. This list is very promising!

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