fun short game, art style is cute and it's free

Animal well is a really special puzzle game, I've rolled the credits at about 12 hours while exploring as much as I can just to find out that there's 30 more eggs and many many more secrets left to uncover. I don't think I'll go for them all because I don't want to burn myself out while I still enjoy the game.

The map is so dense filled to the brim with things to explore around every corner, music is used sparsely but it's fantastic when it is used and the art style is gorgeous.

The only suggestion I could give is a small in game hint system, not one that just gives you the answer because the eureka moment is fantastic but just one to nudge you sometimes when you ask for it, this would be especially helpful for the post game as the entire map is open and I have no idea where to start with any of the further mysteries.

pikmin 3 is the best feeling pikmin game to me so far, so many quality of life changes have been made and things happen a lot quicker but nothing feels unfair. The fruit mechanic for using the day system is a really cool idea but does become a bit redundant if you're not just rushing the story. I really liked the most of the bosses, the final one especially and there was more of a focus on story which was cool too.

short game but there's a lot going on for you to do, took me about 3 hours to beat the first time(in one sitting) and I still want to go back and finish the achievements I haven't done yet

music, dialog, characters and aesthetic were all fantastic, I don't really have anything in the game that I disliked to be honest, the length of what I've done so far was perfect

very whimsical, music is cute, some of the humour is funny and the game itself is short but uses its time well

I think this game is a lot more ambitious than pikmin 1, it takes a lot of the core ideas and takes them to the extreme with some mixed results. Caves are really cool, having dungeons you have fight through, making sure you are prepared with the right pikmin and managing the resources so that you can carry out the treasure. my main criticism with the game is that some of the enemies feel like bullshit, so many times I was fully wiped out by a single attack and although there's a degree of "get good" some of the attacks are very unforgiving

pretty fun party game which changes every time, can be annoying if made impossible but that'll depend on who you're playing with and how they organise the area

I really enjoyed this, it was pretty short but the runtime really feels worth it and you're constantly have things to try to go for, I beat the game on the final day but I could see the appeal of trying to speedrun it to get it in as few days as possible. looking forward to the other games in the series!

This was a pretty fun game, it uses the gimmick of genre swapping really well and it's so fast paced that the segments don't really overstay their welcome, the main problem I have is how short the game is, there is some replayability but not enough for me to go back any time soon.

it's a short fun game, that feels like it betrays the core idea half way through. The gimmick of the game is really fun, parkouring, shooting in slowmo with different weapons and going quick speeding through levels but then in the sewers until the end of the game it grinds to a halt with puzzles which slow the progression, game mechanics such as mines which aren't fun to play with and turning up the difficulty arbitrarily.

I wish it stuck with the core mechanics more and made more of that instead of trying to do something completely different.

I 100%ed the game and had a good time with it but there were a few problems, the flight controls suck (especially on the final boss), some of the levels are way too big and finding the last couple of collectibles can take forever on each world. The positives are that I like the different abilities, movement feels pretty good when you're not flying and there are some cool challenges.

fun 3d platformer with some annoying bits

a fun short and sweet epilogue, didn't have a whole lot of story but was a good time, side content was a lot better compared to the base game and completing all of it is more worth it and easier to do.