This is a rare game where I can't find anything of value to say despite having a blast playing it. It's probably just as easy to love it as it is to hate it. It’s got this attitude of being self-conscious and obnoxious at the same time, which is sort of hard to respect. Maybe there’s some redeeming quippy dialogue sprinkled in there, and some funny jokes, but you’re gonna have to sit through a lot of bullshit to find it.

With that being said, it is a genuinely fun game to play. I fucking love racecars, guns, and other such criminal shit.

As with most things, you should probably only pick this up if you're looking for the single player experience. However, Steam formally lists this as an "online game" now, so I should probably mention that the online kind of blows and there isn't really any reason to play it. It was fun back in like 2014, I imagine, but now they've added airstrikes and armored vehicles and shit. Who cares anymore.

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Pretty good.

I spent half of this game building an anatomical model of a human out of scattered parts that always felt wayyyy too scattered.

Yeah this is just Silent Hill's cryptic puzzles with no pay off.

Just stay home.

Incredibly fun and intuitive, but struggles to stick the landing at points. Must play if you like pirates and shit.

Some people fuck at funerals, I play video games about cutting off heads.

Let’s hope this Doom isn’t Eternal, because boy was 2016 better. Overall worth your money though, play it, form an opinion on it, post your opinion on it, get yelled at for your opinion on it, it’s a good time overall. 4 stars.

They finally did it guys, they entertained me with an Animal Crossing game. Anyway still don’t understand the hype but hey I’m happy for you guys.

Cant drive my car straight up a cliff. Thanks a fucking ton Kojima.