The random encounters are fucking infuriating, but the combat Is better then og FF7. The story's pretty good if not a little silly. Overall good game but it's a bit hard to recommend.

I spammed through the menu and ended up playing it on casual. Great game though.

This was the third zelda that I beat. It was an emotional and fantastic adventure even with a couple lows, but my favorite so far.

The story and characters and world are amazing, but the random encounters dude. If I didn't have speedup I think this would still be in my backlog.

I beat this in 2023 after years of owning with a level up glitch and it was damn fun. I was not about to grind and nobody wanted to play it with me.

I ended having to do three playthroughs and it was draining but it was still fun on every playthroughs as my time shrank.

Writing's great, I actually laughed out loud at some of the jokes. Gameplay is smooth but i'm really bad at it. Great style and music and it's a good time.

For me it had a slow start, but as it adds more and more to the climbing and you read more lore, it all helps add to a great experience and ending.

I played on the psp cause ot came with a psp I bought

Really sweet game that controls way better than it should, and has really good writing.

Whenever I decide to go back to this game I'm crushed by how bored I am. Figures are still pretty cool though.

Great story, characters, and side quests. The main mission vary, the world is great but a little barren, and Keanu Reeves Is now my buddy. Oh what a wonderful friendship I have with Keanu Reeves.

Makes all other 2d marios feel like shit in comparaison.

Everything great about the original cranked to the max and perfectly crafted.

Hear me out... It's pretty good.