Katana Zero if the story was actually finished

I thoroughly fucked with this game. Everything about it is in-sync with my tastes and I gotta put that up-front.

This game is drop-dead gorgeous. Some of the cleanest and best sprite-work I personally seen in my godamn life. Mari is the cutest little button and I wanna slam her against the walls like a toy. Mago-City is a generic dystopian future city but it's rendered with such a nice palette and scale and the conspiracy surrounding it had me intrigued through-out. It's actually a shame that some of the designs and animations get used like once or twice because I find the aesthetics so appealing. Shout-outs to Major Song.

Gameplay is just how I like it with a solid satisfying core that is built upon by surrounding enemies, encounters, and levels; grapple hooks are just fun to play with even if it's only for movement and combat and little else. I think the game could have benefited from spacing out cutscenes a little bit more since you always feel like you just got a good groove going before stopping to bombard you with some expository moments that go on a bit too long but never bothered me enough to dent my experience.

The story could have used alot less "ooooooooo what could be happening" moments throughout but either than that the dynamic between the main characters and the dialogue coming from Mari are just well done enough to excuse the fact that this is just a well-executed but cliche story. It's got a very strong sequence near the end that really sold me on the whole package of the story.

Game's got alot of heart put into it but I can definitely see people who are wrong and stupid and not as smart or whimsical as me not enjoying it but fuck 'em

This game fucking sucks

Edit as of 1/4/2024: All of my friends have now bought this game and are planning on doing the raids. I fucking hate you xenoverse and I hope everybody who plays this gets ebola

why is god making women suffer just to be with each other. stop putting bitches in motherfucking situations and let them be.

I took a long, long break from Outer Wilds after completing the base game. I just needed time because the game hit me hard and unexpectedly.

Echoes Of The Eye hit me just as hard and still just as unexpected since I was just anticipating this to be mere expansion on the base game.

I might find myself terrified at the big things in life. All the questions on why I'm here, what's my purpose. Afraid of dying, afraid of what'll happen after. You know, the good shit to think about. I don't think I can ever escape the level of mental anguish those bring to me.

But I think I can take comfort in atleast being a little less scared of it and it's Outer Wilds that helped with that.

These character designs are so good I want to eat them

It's really hard to recommend this on any merit besides Shantae being the cutey 3.14. Aside from the aspect that the game is constantly making her jiggle and bounce, it's kinda easy to get attached to the fact that she is clearly the closest thing to being a normal functioning person in a cartoon world.

The Game? It's there. It's a serviceable explore'em up but it's too zig-zaggy in it's world and has no moments were everything clicks and you get a handle for playing it. It's kinda just all over too quickly. I wouldn't recommend this unless you are really trying to experience the evolution of the franchise and nothing else

Still as much of a slog as the other one but it only became boring half-way through instead of a few missions in. I also had the benefit of going in and not knowing what the fuck the arbiter was and actually being intrigued by what's going on with him. It was a real breath of fresh air especially since mister chief himself is still doing the same boring shit.

The battle rifle is such an improvement in terms of raw feel and feedback that it makes you forgot every other weapon is like shooting the nerf guns they resemble.

Quite possibly one of the worst experiences a video game can offer in which the previous game is all at once disregarded, constantly referenced to, spring-boarded off of, and completely ignored.

What minor improvements are made to missions, side-jobs, and combat (and I truly mean minor) are more like apologies for what a wet noodle of a game this is.

Bosses are some of the most miserable encounters since they vary from being mediocre to genuinely infuriating. Everything that is said for this games story or philosophy, or what it has to say about Travis is vapid and even if done purposefully so it's still leaves you wondering what the fuck happened to the pitiful loser that drove any interest in the first game.

This game's biggest crime is what they did to Naomi and pretty much every characters re-design good god. It's like they got Eiichiro Oda to purposefully bastardize what good can be found.

Still completely necessary to the KTP collection, even if it takes that to a whole new level of metatext

White people are something else

It's what you get on the metaphorical box
Just the re4 inventory but a puzzler

Wow, a video game depicting the struggles of mental health and trying to make a name for yourself in the age of internet celebrities. This likely hit very close to home for a great many people and it would be remiss of me to disregard that. I can't imagine how many people find themselves in the situation of seeking approval while regularly dealing with societal and social issues and this game being a possible unveiling of their issues to themselves.

I thought all of that while I was stroking my chin on my first couple playthroughs trying to figure out if the game would let me push the girl to suicidal depression

White women are something else

This game feels like it got frozen in time for a decade and some change and then just came out still. Like it was meant to release among the peak of 3rd person shooter action games for the late 00's or early 10's and just didn't. It's got everything down to the ultra-linear structure of the levels that won't even let you crawl back under the space you just went through and the awkward pre-rendered cinematics.

Really enjoyed this one for what it is. This game is so completely and utterly in love with how cool it thinks it is that it kinda comes back around to being cool.
"Dude what if like... cowboys fought vampires with electric tesla coil power bullshit"

Yeah man that shit rocks keep doing shit like this. Literally who cares about the borderline non-existent story. As long as you let me knock the teeth outa an whatever unfortunate creature comes in the way.

I think this one needed like, a few more months in the oven though because the last 4 or 5 missions run out of new enemies to throw at you and do the bad action game thing of throwing the kitchen sink of enemies at you with little consideration of how the encounter goes.

I'm in awe that the game did not have the main character talk to one of the many "booksmart" characters and hear them explain something in some sciency way before going "Give it to me in english doc"

it's a not-big-enough-to-be-it's-own-numbered-game and also a not-small-enough-to-be-dlc type
So you get stuck with Ezio again and his journey to kill a bunch of guys you barely know but are told suck ass and should be killed with marginal improvements to gameplay that don't really fix any of the problems but rather band aid over them
Ezio is still a charming little guy though and the music is aight