perfect game for lulling yourself into a state of constant state of wondering "what am I fucking doing"

Game has procedural generated levels so I ended up going through the same 3 or so streets and sewer layouts more than enough times to think that the game was trying to pull some sort of prank on me

There was like 3 guns I found and they all felt like discount nerf guns

It just barely has a pulse of life when the real alien shit comes up but then quickly simmers down to making you go through more levels that could have just been copy and pasted for the same effect

It's literally just risk of rain 1 with polish and more shit
the fuck else could you ask for

I like the part of the game when I play like a complete fucking ape and manage to win a round or 2 because the enemy team cannot comprehend my lack of competence

You can make a fucking palette swapped OC of Maxwell, give him various rainbow colored lasers, lighting, magic and fucking omega beams, then give him the adjective kryptonian cyborg and have him solo Darkseid

game is quite literally peak

Now that it's a complete product, I feel completely comfortable in saying that this is probably the best horror game that is also a traditionally fun experience.

Alot of horror games, purposefully, go for a experience meant to put the feeling of dread, terror, disgust, and general discomfort into a player. In the indie space, most games don't really go for that. They try to be a little more low-key and offer up a horror experience that offers something to discuss and chew on like a psychological theme or a message
So it's very nice to see a horror game actually be a decent game ontop of that. It's doom and gloom and unspeakable horrors throughout but it's also just a mechanically solid game that doesn't lose those previous aspects. It's kitchen sink approach of just throwing every Junji Ito story into a blender and basing everything off of it along with some popular eastern urban legends makes it have a better sense of place than other indie horror games as well.

This can barely be a review because I think making a trying to say anything about a game that is 15 minutes long and requires you to have a film reel worth of projection to get worth out of is misrepresenting at best.
This is probably one of those things I'd be willing to talk about more if it wasn't like so close to home interms of how she handles and frames things and I liked how it showed how something as mundane as O can be horrifying but I think this is the visual novel equivalent of a stick of gum.
Being a dollar is still a sham.

Most fun you can have with a dictionary
It's like Adam Sandler's Click without the existentialism
If I was Maxwell I'd write for everyone I hate to die and all my friends get a billion dollars and then kill myself

Possibly the biggest example of how adding an open world structure to a game actively harmed it and brought no benefits whatsoever.

I see no reason for there to be such a gigantic map with so much filler non-sense when the games strongest parts are only in it's main missions were you dive into abstract worlds that have strong use of imagery and lighting.

Playing this made me understand why people have such a vitriol reaction to AAA sandbox games of the era.

Playing every mainline Senran Kagura game in chronological order is a form of self-flagellation I partook in for no reason and reaped no benefit but it was funny to return to sanity and see every single message on discord of my friends predicting the trajectory of my mental stability the further I got into 100% these games

Dude who plays a single game for 4000+ hours: Ya know the game is just so boring now

Anywho patch is the usual. Dungeon, Trial, Raid, etc. I loved it in spite of some narrative issues and personal wants for the story. Genuinely wanted Zero to be part of the gang because they spent 4 patches making her fun and interesting to hang out with and then just dump her once the void stuff is done. It doesn't help that, as of writing this, the next expansion seems to be entirely about something else.

Nevertheless I feel like people have their expectations in completely wrong places because of the way 6.0 wrapped up everything. That ontop of developers listening to players complaints from previous expansions now hearing the complete opposite of what people wanted back then only means that there is going to be a rift set between people playing the game and people making it and far more than usual.

GaaS and MMO players in general dig their own holes and then complain when it's not to their liking and it's the reason why something half-decent like this might end up below the dirt, though certainly not anytime soon

Kind of hard to judge less than an hour of horror game but for what it's worth it's a neat little time waster that is tickling the balls of SCP for it's inspiration

The 7th generation of consoles was a host of many a new hard r gamers being introduced to the interactive medium and with it came a slew of games that catered towards those who were just getting their feet wet with it. These games were much more welcoming, had simpler systems, hand-held the players through the campaign, and came packaged with a middling story that wouldn't look out of picture of a direct to netflix tv show cancelled after 1 season. That was just the time these games came out in and the market they were trying to hit.

Assassin's Creed II being the more beloved sequel and giving no reason to be invested in anything that happened in the first game beyond knowing the first guy's name means that alot of people jumped in and started playing video games with this and other titles of it's ilk.

It's got flashy LOOKING combat, and a flashy LOOKING parkour system that is also most importantly easy to get to grip with. It's got it's setting rooted in exotic cities from the renaissance era of Italy. It's got just enough meat on it's bones that you could reasonably talk to a co-worker over the water-cooler about this game you played over the weekend and not have to have them understand the idioms that games come with. Ezio is a fun enough protagonist that you can easily see people putting him on their YouTube "Top 11 biggest bad-asses in gaming because 10 just wasn't enough."

Unfortunately I have played video games before. Enough to know that I don't like counter-combat were you just mash the attack button until an enemy shoots the sirens on when they are gonna attack, in which you hit counter and instantly slit their fucking throats. I hate how automated the games movement leading me to wish I had a jump button worth a damn because it would be easier to do that rather than let Ezio take the wheel and go wherever he damn well pleases. Most importantly I just cannot be asked to give a fuck about any character because I think they all came out of a dummies guide of writing story book.

I did however, find it psychotically hilarious every time Ezio would assassinate the random civilian next to the guy I'm trying to stab. No idea why throwing strays tickles my funny bone so much but it did.

Devil May Cry 4: Regurgitated Edition
With many excellent additions such as,
Playing the same stages, an extra 4 times!!!
Fighting the same bosses with a guaranteed minimum of 4 rematches with every boss... Except the bosses that would actually be fun to fight
And a whopping 4 new cutscenes to leave you starving for a break from some of the worst enemy, arena, and level design in an action game this side of the west

The first romantic scene you have with the pink haired love interest girl is the insultingly bland main character walking in on her undressing. That should tell you everything you need to know.

Playing this game just makes me want to play 3rd Strike instead