Proof that Bethesda was has only PUBLISHED good games

I giggled every time I roundhouse kicked a cultist


Playing on the hardest difficulty is only slightly easier than resisting the urge to go out on a bloodthirsty rampage from the sheer hype this game provides

Just play Terraria

In all seriousness it just isn't for me. Sandboxes about building and making your own fun of it while being hand wavey with giving you atleast a semblance of a goal just doesn't tickle my fancy. I'm robotic and I like it when there is something to point to. Though maybe it's because I have no friends to play with.

Damn bro I didn't know this Bloody Palace simulator came with an entire game. Wha-...What do you mean it's only 3 hours long.

It's got the perfect blend of action, swagger, and shameless pandering. A certified hood classic if you ignore the shitty QTE's

Is there really anything to be said. Everyone knows already about this. It's got the best first half of any game ever. Followed by a poorly executed back-half, with a amazing final boss and even better DLC. Go play it

The best boss roster in the series with only 2 hiccups, the best individual level design of any of the games, the most bare-bones PVP mechanics, and poor variety. Dark Souls 3 brings the best and worst of the series but delivers it with a bitter-sweet ending that as a fan of the series, I cannot ignore as a quality.

This game is batshit insane and I love it. I saw a man getting beat up by some thugs on the street. So in-turn I ran up to them with a park bench and completely eviscerated them by smashing their heads in with the park bench. Afterwards I saw someone named the WALKING ERECTION and he harassed me for nudes of random women. I then went to my local ramen shop and ate the entire menu, walked outside and got mugged for all of my money by a guy named Mr.Shakedown. I then went home and did the same thing in Yakuza.

A game with a fantastic base to play around in but is lacking in meaningful content for it to be put to use on. I can easily see a direct sequel iterating on the core of the game and therefore, being better