Go in with as little knowledge as possible, you can play this or Replicant first. There's two major twists one that relies on the fact that you have played Replicant and another that relies on the fact that you haven't played Replicant. Which is a bit dumb, but it doesn't affect the game too much I wish more ARPG's had stories combat and music half this good, We have been spoiled. One of my all-time favourites.

Come on, man, how do you create such a perfect John woo esqsue shooter? With J-Horror elements? Hooked me at every turn, only letdown was the samey office designs that dragged on near the end

Hard as nails fun action packed top down shooter - almost felt like a puzzle game too with me dying and strategizing who and what was where and how I could use it to win.

Come on man good DLC to already masterful game? Only souls game I've gotten close to beating twice going for 100% completion.

Lot of fun probably gonna go back to it if friends ever want to play buts that's all it is to me personally dumb fun. I don't have an emotional connection to it like meany my others.

Thousands of hours lost over years small download size keeps it a constant in my PC play it every year at least once

Simply the best written game out there, and it's only 33% complete. Wildly exited for what's to come. Never had a game where gameplay and story wrapped itself together so well.

It only took me three attempts to get into this before it clicked that this was one of, if not the greatest RPG of all time.

Made me sweat slightly less needs some more endings in my opinion and a few more areas perhaps can't wait for the update.

The best immersive sim because of its early 2000s Goth vibe, masterful dialogue and voice acting.

Still has the best level design of any souls game of any game ever maybe

The perfect souls game the atmosphere the level design the bosses the weapons the changed gameplay. Save for one bad boss (You know already) it's masterful.

The last of the classic RE game sin my eyes channelling the final push of B-movie horror and scary moments/ tension build with gameplay rather than actual scares. Limited ammo still makes an appearance, shots must be well-placed lest you run dry. Leon and Claire are cute together, and I got attached greatly. Was sad when it ended, perfectly paced too until that damn final area. The only real want was to up the scares a little, felt not impactful enough at certain parts when ammo was plentiful or when I had got lucky with the past few fights on the harder difficulty.

The FPS that keeps on giving... until it was updated that was.