Simply the best written game out there, and it's only 33% complete. Wildly exited for what's to come. Never had a game where gameplay and story wrapped itself together so well.

Go in with as little knowledge as possible, you can play this or Replicant first. There's two major twists one that relies on the fact that you have played Replicant and another that relies on the fact that you haven't played Replicant. Which is a bit dumb, but it doesn't affect the game too much I wish more ARPG's had stories combat and music half this good, We have been spoiled. One of my all-time favourites.

Best release of 2023 by far felt the BIOWARE influence throughout, loved the callbacks to the first wo games as they felt tasteful and well-placed fun enjoyable characters plenty of options almost got two full re-playthroughs done before putting it to rest, well worth asking price.
Sucks there was no DLC and my runs were pretty glitchy at times with long load screens that ruined certain emotions points.

The perfect souls game the atmosphere the level design the bosses the weapons the changed gameplay. Save for one bad boss (You know already) it's masterful.

The finale to an epic, I finally understand why the series is so beloved. All games in the trilogy have clear flaws, but it draws you in for an adventure that will not be forgotten. A melancholic conclusion tinged with happiness that the characters I spend 102 hours with across 3 games have concluded their ultimate goals. The combat is better than ever, but the RPG elements are lacking in key areas like stats and overall character progression, feels more like a corridor shooter now that's lost most of its charm from the first game. I'm already pining for another experience that can rival this trilogies scope and tone. Highly reccomend. (Finished at 12:03 AM)

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I'm unapologetic about how mutch, I really like this game.

Probably best kept at one play-through its magical swelling and linear, combat fells brilliant, most general enemies are squishy and got down in one or two headshots (This changes later in the game through, which is a definite negative as enemies almost start to become bullet sponges, but this isn't nearly as egregious as it was in bioshock one.)

Combat is hemmoriged however by the limit of only carrying two guns and two VIGORS, it's one of those stupid modern design's that every other FPS seems to follow in.

The art style is second to none along with the music and the Charter of Elizabeth gave the story a mutch more emotional weight unlike the other two games, which feels more like explorations of certain themes. Infinite probably tries to be too mutch, and I understand its polarizing reputation. However, if it clicks for you, it will CLICK.

The whole theme of time free will and determinism is great and well done, if not a bit complex and under-explained, although I prefer under explained to over explained. Your choices don't impact mutch because your life is determined, or is it? Another great twist ending too, bioshock always dose these well.

I'd like to see a remake, maybe adding in all those features lost in development limbo. I didn't mind the linearity as mutch as I thought I would, as the game is short and very well paced. I think the Immersive sim open-ended elements of Bioshock one and two are kind of overplayed anyway, and I don't think they're as good as people say they are.

I disliked how heavy-handed and somewhat shallow the themes of colonialism and race, where and Fitzroy, felt underdeveloped and died too quickly.

Incredible atmosphered and a great first half. After the twist felt like it went downhill, especially with the ending cutscene being like 30 seconds long and booting you straight to the menu. Felt less like a monumental event when it ended and more like oh it's over, last boss was cool though.

Combat didn't fully click with me and I think they could've delved deeper into the immersive sim elements instead I was disappointed that this was supposed to be the spiritual successor to system shock but felt relatively linear and like the only option was to fight in combat with a mix of whatever weapons had ammo and the better combat genes I had.

Well worth a delve into, still just feel as if I may appreciate it more on a replay or when my expectations were not so high, as everyone seems to praise this game to death.

Come on man good DLC to already masterful game? Only souls game I've gotten close to beating twice going for 100% completion.

Somehow better and more interesting then any other game in the series

The best immersive sim because of its early 2000s Goth vibe, masterful dialogue and voice acting.

Stupidly balanced but endlessly fun - a real classic gem seemingly outshined in every way by its sequel and New Vegas, but still has an undeniable charm for being the first in the series and seeing underdeveloped ideas cooking and where they could've taken them but chose not to.

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Man, probably my fav of the games both Miranda and Zane died in my play through with was unfortunate but impactful. A good mix of the RPG elements of the first and the action Xbox 360 feel of the third. This is where the team's ideas really blossom

You can tell this was originally going to be Resident Evil 4 from the music to the camera and the puzzles, a stand-out oddity in the game series that stands up mostly due to its vastly different philosophy when initially designing

The last of the classic RE game sin my eyes channelling the final push of B-movie horror and scary moments/ tension build with gameplay rather than actual scares. Limited ammo still makes an appearance, shots must be well-placed lest you run dry. Leon and Claire are cute together, and I got attached greatly. Was sad when it ended, perfectly paced too until that damn final area. The only real want was to up the scares a little, felt not impactful enough at certain parts when ammo was plentiful or when I had got lucky with the past few fights on the harder difficulty.

The FPS that keeps on giving... until it was updated that was.