Solid corridor shooter with some fun party tricks and visuals that have held up surprisingly well. (Helps when you're playing it in 2022 and can just crank up everything to max without your computer breaking a sweat.)

Does get a bit repetitive and the scares are...well, not especially scary, but all in all, a good recommendation. Especially when you can get it cheap on GOG.

Undoubtedly the peak of the Kirby series. The "Six Games in One" structure was really an oddball but still very smart way of introducing a ton of creative variety and fun ideas into the game without having to worry about making it all fit together. Combine that with superb technical polish, and combat and platforming so satisfying and engaging that it formed the basis for the Smash Bros series, and you got one of the absolute stone-cold classics of the 16-bit era.

Looking back on Undertale, it's easy to knock aspects of it that the ferocious fandom (one I was kind of a part of) maybe tried to downplay. Some of the pacing and humor can drag. The gameplay, while pretty fun, can get a bit tedious sometimes. The genocide route doesn't really work for people that try that on their first playthrough. Said genocide route can have a whiff of "And then they jumped out of my screen and their was hyper-realistic blood!!!!" to it.

But, nah, this game's still fucking great. It's funny, the characters are all compelling and likable, there's a superb atmosphere throughout that manages to juggle being wacky and surreal with a melancoly, somber undercurrent, the emotional beats land, and, of course, we can't forget the fact that it has maybe the greatest and most iconic video game OST of the 2010's.

It's no wonder why it ended up being one of the most influential games of the decade, then. And I think what this game does well, that a lot of similar ones later faltered at, is that the fourth-wall meta bullshit it pulls all feels like it accentuates a game that would still be compelling even without it. Too often games that try to do what this game did forget to actually build solid storylines or characters around it all, and it tends to just feel hollow.

The little girl in this game is scarier than the one in F.E.A.R

The sheer depth of what you could do with the level editor in this game was nothing short of mild-melting at the time, but as a platformer it's distinctly "eh". And a lot of titles since - hell, even Trials Evolution just a year later - have managed to accomplish a lot of that while still making a game that's actually solid.

Still probably one of the best Ubisoft open worlds they've ever made

A rare "cozy game" that's not boring as fuck thanks to it's entertaining, raunchy humor, great soundtrack and art, and compelling characters. Great stuff.

A severely bloated mess of a game with a lot of severely undercooked ideas that never come together, all topped with real iffy voice acting and cutscene animation - yet, one that, in a different timeline, could've potentially forged a path forwards for a much stronger future for 3D Sonic.

Also if you're going to play this game on anything but Dreamcast for the love of god play it on PC and install SADX Mod Loader so it's not a COMPLETELY broken mess

A charming, funny (if hit or miss) adventure game, and a solid debut for Telltale. Shame that the remaster removed all the best jokes because somebody, somewhere on the planet may have taken offense, god I feel like I'm turning into a boomer already

To this day, a real strong candidate for "funniest game ever made"


Yeah, it's basically just Doom but in 3D and with a final boss that you shouldn't try saying out loud. Which still means it's a phenomenal shooter, and one with an engine lineage so vast you can see "ID Software" copyright on the back of CoD boxes to this day.

One of the best looking, most stylish racers on the PS1.

Real short, but a rock-solid, fun platformer with a neat look and a shockingly melancoly tone.

Really, for a SNES game, it's really remarkable that if you just tweaked a couple aspects of the more dated controls, you'd have a game that you could release today as-is with no history and still have it be pretty well liked.

The only Mega Man platformer that's ever really clicked with me, honestly.