I will protect Nene and Kino till my last breath

Thank you for your service Billy Kametz


Spyro 1 fans when they release someone from their prison be like "no. not again. I'm not... strong enough."

A fairly solid 2D platformer bogged down by some abyssal lows
The QoL changes are very nice though thank you for your service Ryemanni


Every time Klonoa says "Wahoo!" I go like that one meme pic of Leonardo DiCaprio

Legit could not be more excited for the future of one of my favorite game series and it makes me super happy to be able to say that

Personally I believe every game with collectables should have funny descriptor on each individual one like "loves to slide on Sunday mornings" idk

They really set the SOUL to the max with this one

Absolutely need more of this in the future

The puzzle line-up is pretty nice but overall this is a pretty big case of first game syndrome, really feels like they hadn't found their footing yet

Unless they're specifically talking about the endgame grind for the emeralds, the people who say the boats ruin this game are weaklings

I never want to hear Mermaid Man saying the word "keep" again

This is pretty much everything I love about Kirby in one package, easily one of the best Kirby games
Can't wait to see how they'll build on the 3D formula from here

Man that self-defense arm twist pussy hits kinda different huh