do you guys think solid snake would enjoy fortnite

edit: this aged beautifully

"Oh it gets good 10 hours in"

If a game takes half a day to actually become fun, then I'd rather spend those 10 hours doing something else. Also please don't give me a protagonist that annoys me every time they say a line thanks.

Takes everything that was amazing about the original JSR games and polishes it up to be a phenomenal experience, with a sick trippy narrative to boot!

Only real complaints would be the rushed ending and the inability to switch out movestyles on the fly (like cmon) but that aside, everything else was GREAT.

Thank you Team Reptile, it was well worth the wait.

One of the most overrated games I've played. I'm sorry.

This has one of the BEST soundtracks I've ever heard and a style that is still rarely outmatched. However, it has some of THE MOST BAFFLING game design I've seen. In regards of the overall structure, there's barely a sense of direction in-between stages or even IN stages, making it extremely easy to get lost and confused during your playthrough.

However, the thing that easily puts this thing down for me is the combat, where you have to dash towards enemies to knock them down in which allows you to spray them, taking them out. While this was also in the original JSR, a game I consider to be among my favourites, it was never something you had to do, with the final boss being designed in a way that took advantage of the games strengths. In JSRF, you HAVE to engage in forced combat sections constantly in order to progress the game. Not only is this forcing you into a system that is generally not fun to play, it also halts the pacing to a crawl, and makes me much more likely to go and play something else.

Maybe this will hold up better on a replay, like the original, but for now, I don't think it's anywhere near as perfect as I see people label it as. Sorry.


An amazing game with so much to say and so many different introspective, meaningful interpretations of it's narrative that also genuinely has the line, "Mr. Sir Henry Motherfuck he just jetted! What a pussy..."

Finished arcade with my cousin that had never played Tekken before.

I love this one :)

Got given this by my very cool uncle.

Doesn’t mean this game doesn’t suck.

I am not good at Tekken 5 in the slightest with how it specifically is built.

Doesn’t mean it’s not still amazing.

honestly hard to believe that this shit was originally PS2. It's weird, ain't it? this would be one of those games where I would probably drop it on the third star, but I just... couldn't stop thinking about it.

I think this is one of my favourite games of all time?

God, what a beautiful way to start the year.

(btw put the original on my favourites because the cover is cooler lol)

why did I like this game as a kid