284 Reviews liked by FlowerSunandPain

Shitty game 10/10 you play it for 2 mins and it turns you into a radical right wing Trump supporter who listens to Joe rogan podcast.

finally beat the "hasn't played the silver case" allegations

i love eating shit after failing a trick

Best album of 2001. Comes with a neat skateboarding game, too.

I think this is the one where they started adding Reverts which really cranked this game in a new direction tho making it less pure in my opinion and too easy to string whole 2 minute combos and just ice every level.

story is way to confusing but i enjoy the combat

playing moon is akin to seeing a weird disturbing cartoon once late at night when you were a kid whose name you forget but is so crystallized in your plasticine hippocampus that it directly affects every decision you make and occasionally paralyzes you with a sudden fear of being young and afraid but also like you’re the only person that sees certain arcane patterns in the world, but like, if that experience lasted for 10-15 hours

To quote Prof. Hager:

What is love?
Does love in fact exist inside this world?
Does love in fact exist outside this world?
If I speak of crossing through the ceiling of this world, you might laugh at me.
However, I want to transcend that ceiling.
That is my love.

... and transcend that ceiling they did. And they did it beautifully, charmingly und just so full of creativity!

(Guide for the people who are stuck: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/573238-moon/faqs/50336)

This isn't a game that takes itself seriously, after all it's a game about a kid playing a JRPG game after which they magically enter the same game, but not as a hero or as the main character, more like as a literal nobody, and it's up to you to do nothing at all. You just go around and mend what's broken by the actual "hero" of the game in very funny and honestly heart warming ways at times.
Some stuff of the game is VERY obscure, I'm not sure if it's because of a mistranslation or because it's just meant to be like this, but it really is worth going through it.


Moon is probably the most frustrating 5-star game ever made, so I want to get that out of the way before I start this review that this game will most definitely require patience that some people can't afford, and I will say, even for me who considers himself pretty patient, it wore on me a couple of times too.

Anything annoying that can possibly be listed, Moon has. Tedious backtracking, a limited-time system at the start of the game, waiting for events to pan out that can only be triggered in certain timeframes, confusing and sometimes hard to read puzzles, and an economy that sometimes doesn't give you the cash you need to progress so you have to waste time playing a gambling mini-game. (but can only be accessed during the day, of course.). These problems are often listed when people criticize the game and can be factors to why people can put it down. These problems did plague my playthrough of Moon too, so I can't say these aren't valid reasons for why someone may drop the game a few hours in, I totally get it.

Here's the thing though: I can't hate this game even if I tried.

Even with all these problems, I kept coming back to the world of Moon because the game is just so inviting on the face of it. Moon breaks the traditional tropes of RPGs not to tell a darker story, but a brighter narrative. This is the game where you revive cute claymation creatures that the "Hero" of this game slain and you get "Love points" for saving these animals. This is the game where you can help out townfolks and follow along with their side stories to get satisfying outcomes. This is the game where your grandma bakes you cookies every time you visit her while you listen to "Claire De Lune" with your pet dog. This is the game where you can listen to bizarre yet catchy indie rock you bought from a guitarist on the side of the road so you can mute the ruffling grass noise you will constantly hear on your journey. You never know what you're going to get every time you boot up Moon, and Moon kept surprising me over and over again with witty yet lovely little outcomes.

Moon uses its surrealist aspects not to make its narrative more weird or dark like most games do, but to make the game more likable. Its constant enforcement on the themes of love and kindness rubbed off on me harder than any other game has. It's not the most mechanically sound game I've ever played from this genre, but Moon is probably the most likable and charming game I've ever played. Even at it's most frustrating parts, I kept wanting more and more from this weird wonderful little game.

If nothing else, Moon is a game that loves you, and hey, I love this game too.

there's a moment in moon where the "HERO" is drunk at a restaurant, doesn't knowing how to advance. after killing all those "Bad Monsters", "helping" all those people, entering without invite in all those houses and taking possession of all those objects, he's lost. he is at the maximum level that he can obtain, but what then?

the "HERO" lacks of love.

in fact, everyone in moon's world is searching for love: consciously or not; for know what it is, what is for and who can possess it. love is a mystery and everyone wants to know how to discover it. you, the protagonist, is the one who help those thirsty for love by... living your life. you see, There Is Someone(s) that indeed knows what love is and want you to collect it - but i won't tell who! you do it by helping people in different ways: fishing, listening, catching their souls, telling that they actually are a robot (do technopolis habitants dreams about MOON: REMIX RPG ADVENTURE?) and all sort of different things.

they say you find love in small things, and perhaps someone would say that moon is a game about finding love in the minor aspects of our day. i wouldn't say they are incorrect, but a letter of love is A Big Deal to the one who sent it, as well to the one who received it. the size of what we love is measure by our heart perspective.

moon: remix rpg adventure is a small, old, indie game, but in my heart, is a gigantic thing that i love.

"Fall seven times,
get up eight times.
That's life."