Uh it's ok? I still turn this back on every now and then for a run but considering how slow the content comes out I feel that I'm just playing very similar runs over and over again. It's not boring, but it's not really all that intriguing at the moment.

I played this game for 42 minutes and I knew 5 minutes in that this game was made by a redditor, get bent nerd

Think I've played this game like 6 times now

Epitome of "dude play until level 30, then the game really opens up."
Aggravating to think about but the post-game has a solid dopamine loop

Campaign is rancid, probably more fun on Regular but I stubbornly put myself through Vet
Netcode sucks dick
Gun balance makes the grind fucking miserable at times.
Fun to piss people off in mp though
Legitimately missing shit like barracks, records, saving blueprints. You can also tell that this game is kind of a too many cooks kind of thing considering how some shit was just blatantly overlooked.
I'd still say I prefer MW19 over this but this is fine, it can only get better with patches. Right?

This shit was fucking boring, glad I didn't buy my own switch for this shit.

Largely kinetic and there's not much this has to offer on subsequent replays unless you actually would like to do your stat allocation differently. The dialogue is great and in my experience makes it well worth checking this out again even after my initial playthrough just to see what things I might've missed out on, which I know for a fact is actually quite a damn bit.

Found out Round1 in my area has this and Chunithm so I finally got to try DRS. Im not particularly good but shit's fun and I feel fucking great when I actually get the footwork down and stick with it.

I'm in my buddy's car with 2 beers in me while high off a cart. We pull up at Towson Town Center. Hop on this shit for 2 sets and my heart is pounding; the adrenaline damn near sobers me up for a good 40 minutes. Love it

I've actually stopped smoking cigs for this game and have noticed the cardio improvement. Feels pretty damn good

Pretty damn kino, also can be fucking boring to play at some points though. Decent world to interact with.

The campaign is honestly pretty solid. Shame SHG hasn't done anything nearly as interesting as this since.

Nothing special. I think this game really only gets its praise for being one of probably 2 battle royales that vr has. It's serviceable and that's the only praise I really have for this game.

It's very clearly meant to be accessible for any vr user with as little vr experience they may have. To elaborate on that:
-The game has a crosshair. In a vr game. This isn't inherently a negative as it's pretty useful for point shooting. My issue with it is that due to the crosshair being there, you may as well never have to actually ADS with most guns. It makes it way too easy to keep your aim on point.
-Reloading is extremely basic: In a standard vr game, you'd eject a mag, reach to your belt for another, then slot it and pull the charging handle.
In P1 you just run through the motions very loosely.
For example with an MP5: Mag dump -> Highlighted mag shows up below gun -> Slide in mag -> Charging handle illuminates -> Pull charging handle. During this reload cycle your hands dont actually grip any part of the gun.
-You don't even throw grenades, you equip one and then you press the trigger to launch it from your hand

Has a building system kind of like Fortnite, seems like an afterthought. Doesn't really add anything too special and theres no actual type of build-battle going on at least none that I've seen in the time I played this. It's also bare bones, its just simple square platforms you can put around.

Note how I haven't actually commented much on how the core gameplay is like. Like I said, nothing special. I don't really know what to talk about for that cause nothing really stood out to me. I guess that you can climb and glide? It makes it piss easy to get a vantage point and you can avoid fall damage so theres that.

Visually looks like ass but I guess it's so they can make it accessible for people with older pcs as well as make it so it doesnt look too different from the quest version. Due to this game being Quest crossplay, there aren't any picture in picture scopes. When you bring the awp close to your head, your view shifts to what the scope on the awp sees. No peripheral vision at all.

I think if not for the quest 2 launch, this game would've been DoA

I remember being 10 years old and seeing a game case for this on the shelf at blockbuster. Thought that was the coolest shit

I remember it being kind of cool when I was 10 but I also do not remember anything about the actual story and gameplay. I do remember being able to throw random people though, that shit was funny

I can't believe Akira Toriyama is burning in hell because no one bought his game