If this actually took you longer than 20 hours to beat, you might just be bad at games

My buddy Kaio said it works pretty decently for supplemental lessons in between his pilot shit at college so Imma give it a 10 on his behalf

I don't feel like writing a review for it on google maps so I'll write my quick rundown on Mr.Beast Burger here because I figure, "hey I just had a pretty dull meal so lets talk about it on the page for a pretty dull game".

First off the plus: The presentation was alright with the stylized box giving a nice little flair to it separating it from a standard burger joint where you just have a labeled wrapper or box, although since I ordered a fat bastard meal through Ubereats I got an almost entirely unmarked brown bag with generic brown tape enclosing it, sure it's a relatively recent chain but you'd think they would have that kind of branded bagging and shit by now.
This is also probably the first time I have ever grabbed a burger and not have had my hand covered in grease immediately after getting a hold of it, that's as far as my compliment for that goes.
The fries were crispy and I quite like crinkle cut fries so that was nice.
Any praise stops here

The buns are thick and dense. I also said earlier that the burgers aren't covered in oil so they end up being pretty dry which doesn't help at all with the thickness of the buns.
Since the location near me doesn't have fountain soda yet, for the fat bastard meal I ordered I had one(1) 12oz canned Sprite to accompany it. So you get dry buns, a hefty chunk of fries, and not much liquid to scarf it down with.
Since these are smashpatties you don't really get much ground beef with the burger so I feel the majority of the caloric content of the burger ended up being the thickass buns. Also due to the fact that you don't get much in the way of actual meat, I don't see a real point in getting one of these burgers unless you really just like the taste of bread. The condiments on the burger were ketchup, mustard, and mayo which sounds nice when you're 12 in the lunch cafeteria and you see the sauces and think Imma make me some sloppa. The sauces and the bread end up almost overpowering any flavor the beef would've had with the most prominent flavor on my mind being, "wow mustard is not great on a burger."
You can't ask too much from a generic shitty e-celeb branded burger joint but the fries seemed like they just dumped the seasoning in the container on top of the fries leading to a mediocre distribution of seasoning so you get the occasional fry thats just quite a bit saltier than the rest.
The chicken sandwich or whats actually labeled the "Crispy Chicken Tender Sandwich" is just lazy. I actually missed that it was a chicken tender sandwich cause I was just fixing to eat like a fat cunt since the last thing I ate was a pot of ramen at 9-9:30AM so I hastily added it to my cart to max out on the potential discount of the 50% off I was offered by Ubereats. Like the burger, dry, except its chicken so its even more fucking dry. Its also just chicken tenders so yea the mayo, lettuce, and pickles are nice but its uh, not really much else besides that. Just another bland, dry sandwich.

All in all, disappointing with a couple nice things that are quickly forgotten in the realization that you paid 20 US DOLLARS for a shitty burger combo meal. I could've gotten my food faster if I ordered from Shake Shack and I would've even gotten a shake too, a pretty damn nice shake at that.

Don't expect explanations for anything and I don't mean that in the "le quirky suda51 production" nonsense you'll see. Don't look for anything profound. I guess after playing TSA I expected more in the way of storytelling.

Can't really say that I'd want to go for 100% completion with this game but I might check gamefaqs in a month or so and clean up the collectibles.

9/3 - Well I got all collectibles and yea that's all there is to it. No special unlock, just a whole lot of shirts that you probably won't ever use cause chances are you're already wearing the one you think looks best and if not your favorite its probably cause you were mashing A to get through the prompts causing you to accidentally equip the last shirt you unlocked. I still enjoy the game for what it is but it's horribly shallow and the overworld really is just dull. Even if you spruce up the overworld with nicer visuals it's still would look just as dull cause what the hell is there to do there besides going to marked spots. It's not like there are many unique sites to bask in the view of.

If you can even consider the open world to be a playground then let me equate it to this. You are going to a playground at an odd time of day so there's not much for you to do with anybody besides attempt to make your own fun and making your own fun here is going down a list and doing the things that you haven't yet. Except the things you haven't done, you kind of already have far too many times over.

Having the best combat in an NMH game is a nice feat that gets horribly bogged down by the evergrowing tankiness of enemies thereby damn near negating any damage upgrades you got. I spent 27 minutes on a 15 wave defense mission and somehow that was still a B rank.

Closer to a 7 than an 8, might change later. Scratch that Im just changing it now. Cleaning up defense missions and the collectibles made me change this down to a 6

Ok, I think that's the fastest I've dropped a game. From the shit audio, the shit intro cg, and the shit combat. It just sucks. I got this dogshit for free with my cpu last year and I still feel cheated.

(This section was written before I actually got to any combat)
Holy fucking shit. What the hell is this audio. Seriously what the fuck is this. This has lower quality audio than some PS2 games I've emulated. Did they not think people would use headphones when playing this game? I'm using SRH1840s, I know what good sounding audio is and this is not it. This is offensively bad audio quality. It's also horribly mixed too. Fucking astonishing, what a fucking joke.

Good arcadey, meatgrinding fun.
Can get pretty damn frustrating considering people do not communicate and actual smooth brains take the officer roles. This kind of game asks that you play suicidally to take points; don't worry so much about your own k/d, just push and keep throwing yourself at the wall.

Class progression is a boring grind made worse by needing to do challenges after hitting level prerequisites so you can unlock shit for your loadout. You can expect around 12 hours to fully grind out a class going off my own play time as assault

Don't ask for a comparison to Tannenburg or Verdun, I never tried them. Going off what I've heard, this is generally just a Verdun expansion.

It's cool, definitely earned it's badass seal of approval(this is real, I still remember this from when I was 12 for some reason)

I remember being 10 years old and seeing a game case for this on the shelf at blockbuster. Thought that was the coolest shit


Terrific. The art, music, and story are all great. The gameplay is your basic rpg maker game with a couple gimmicks so don't expect too much in that department. The combat is mostly easy provided you don't avoid combat and level your characters up adequately.

The campaign is honestly pretty solid. Shame SHG hasn't done anything nearly as interesting as this since.

Eh it's ok, I guess. Don't expect anything stellar out of this.

Campaign isn't particularly short nor long
Gameplay is pretty standard: wake up in your trailer, craft some shit, head out to a location, scavenge for resources, kill zombies, do some quests, kill other survivors, head back to your trailer, go to bed. Rinse and repeat until you finish the story or get bored.
Not much variance to this formula so it can get rather dull pretty fast. Doesn't help that AI for both survivors and zombies is extremely basic and easy to cheese.
Guns are pretty strong and make the game just braindead to play. Unless you're a shit shot(which is quite hard to be considering this game actually gives weight to your guns so it helps stabilize itself), you can just get some pistols and headshot everything and bumrush through the rest of the game.

Story isn't really anything special. There's a choice you can make at the end which boils down to whether or not you want to moral*** and get some extra dialogue or get an HK416.

Overall it's playable and cool at first but if you play this for more than 10 hours, you'll probably start to get sick of it.
Satisfying as hell to brain zombies though.

I played this game for 42 minutes and I knew 5 minutes in that this game was made by a redditor, get bent nerd

I enjoy streaming myself RDM in TTT to various discords while calling people various bad words.

This shit was fucking boring, glad I didn't buy my own switch for this shit.