Competently made, enjoyable enough and enemies don't really feel too particularly spongey, I've hit level 30 but haven't actually gotten to post-game yet so I'll see how I feel about that statement in another 5-6 hours of rushing the story that I've largely been neglecting to do. Seemingly well balanced for solo play

Decent game to just burn through the content while sitting in a vc. You can safely tune some of your attention away from the game and pay attention to whatever convo your friends are having while not doing terrible at the game.

Yea my original consensus still persists. I can't say I care enough to finish the DLC but the base game was fine enough.

5/10| *6/10 Now after forcing myself to get used to the Actually nah it's shit 4/10| Fucking whatever 5/10

Campaign: Ok, nothing special. I enjoyed the CIA MKUltra goonfuckery aspect of it. Really the only part of this game I enjoyed.

MP: Meh, feels like black ops 4 except they got rid of some of the fluff and just copied MW2019 in some design aspects
-Soundwhoring: They made footsteps loud as fuck to almost encourage that kind of play
-Field Upgrades: They got rid of specialist abilities and put this in instead. While they are a different array of abilities from what's offered in MW2019, they still just reused the concept.
-Gunsmith: Just the same shit as MW2019 except with seemingly less thought put into it
Also has horrid map design.
I'd also like to mention that this game has SBMM like MW2019 did, the problem with this though is that when this game first came out, I did adequately enough and have like a 1.27 K/D overall. Due to this, in the offchance that I hop back in this to try a game or two, every single game I play is filled with the sweatiest motherfuckers, fuckheads that take overkill so they can stack two ADS minmaxed sniper rifles. So not only do I play a game I don't exactly enjoy, I also am playing against corny bastards that actively make me hate the game even more

Zombies: I have not liked zombies since BO2, this has not changed since playing BOCW
Piss easy up until like 10-15 rounds in depending on the map.
Onslaught mode seemed interesting but its shit, most of the retards playing online are constantly split apart so chances are you never actually get to run into too many zombies at once, and due to it just using ground war maps you have an almost infinite sandbox to train zombies in. If you get downed in this mode, chances are its cause you blew your own ass up or fell from a substantial height. Boring

Overall its a disappointment.

2/17: Played it some more, its enjoyable enough. Still a rushed product though

6/8: Played it some more again, it's shit. Zombies is only good to burn maybe 40 minutes. Its like if you want to play a game and still be bored but at least be doing something while bored.

11/14: Worst CoD I've played in a while but it's serviceable, nothing more than that. Hopefully that's the last edit I ever make to this text.

Mid, gunplay was passable but overall the gameplay is pretty boring. Game was short, bosses sucked.

Nothing special. I think this game really only gets its praise for being one of probably 2 battle royales that vr has. It's serviceable and that's the only praise I really have for this game.

It's very clearly meant to be accessible for any vr user with as little vr experience they may have. To elaborate on that:
-The game has a crosshair. In a vr game. This isn't inherently a negative as it's pretty useful for point shooting. My issue with it is that due to the crosshair being there, you may as well never have to actually ADS with most guns. It makes it way too easy to keep your aim on point.
-Reloading is extremely basic: In a standard vr game, you'd eject a mag, reach to your belt for another, then slot it and pull the charging handle.
In P1 you just run through the motions very loosely.
For example with an MP5: Mag dump -> Highlighted mag shows up below gun -> Slide in mag -> Charging handle illuminates -> Pull charging handle. During this reload cycle your hands dont actually grip any part of the gun.
-You don't even throw grenades, you equip one and then you press the trigger to launch it from your hand

Has a building system kind of like Fortnite, seems like an afterthought. Doesn't really add anything too special and theres no actual type of build-battle going on at least none that I've seen in the time I played this. It's also bare bones, its just simple square platforms you can put around.

Note how I haven't actually commented much on how the core gameplay is like. Like I said, nothing special. I don't really know what to talk about for that cause nothing really stood out to me. I guess that you can climb and glide? It makes it piss easy to get a vantage point and you can avoid fall damage so theres that.

Visually looks like ass but I guess it's so they can make it accessible for people with older pcs as well as make it so it doesnt look too different from the quest version. Due to this game being Quest crossplay, there aren't any picture in picture scopes. When you bring the awp close to your head, your view shifts to what the scope on the awp sees. No peripheral vision at all.

I think if not for the quest 2 launch, this game would've been DoA

A rhythm game that I've enjoyed playing more than others I've been able to, sadly you can only find this in japanese arcades or at anime cons. Round1 has these cabs now

Has a nice concept with having the touchpad and motion sensors which adds a nice level of verticality that you wouldnt expect at all in a rhythm game. If you've played Deemo on your phone then you already know how the touchpad works though since this is a full on arcade machine with a wider range of motion you get some nice patterns that involve actually crossing your arms over/under the other to hit some notes.
The motion sensors register you actually lifting your hand away from the touchpad and keeping it lifted for some notes or dropping it back down. Its a neat gimmick that I enjoy quite a bit.

Has a sizable number of songs. Good chunk of weebshit for the people who like OPs and EDs.

If you get the chance to play one of these machines, bring some headphones. Wear some gloves too unless you're playing on an easier difficulty.

Pretty damn kino, also can be fucking boring to play at some points though. Decent world to interact with.

Much more gameplay variety than the first one.

Incomplete at the moment yet it still proves to be a good sequel to a decent game.

I will say that some of the rooms that can be generated can be just outright fucking corny. Don't dash through doorways or else your dash might persist just long enough to end directly over a pit of spikes, also don't just take your attention away from the game to look at your second monitor or anything while moving to a new room cause some enemies will ready up to attack you right when you enter a new room. It's either enemies attacking you right as you enter or you drop down into a room thats a dead end except theres a trap that'll hurt you if you don't get back out in 3 seconds or so.

Regardless of that gripe, it's a fine game

One of the best multiplayer components I have ever played. Actual game is like 6 or 7/10

For every day that Factions 2.0 isn't out, thats another starving ND employee. Probably actually is the case not going to lie

This shit was fucking boring, glad I didn't buy my own switch for this shit.

I played this game for 42 minutes and I knew 5 minutes in that this game was made by a redditor, get bent nerd

I want to give this a 6 as I enjoyed it quite a lot when I first got my X1 but playing it 8 years later it just doesn't feel too great. It wasn't the worst 12.6 hours of my life I wasted but there was really only one scene I liked and that's with the first optional boss.

Fleshing out the open world aspect might've seemed like a nice idea but for something like Dead Rising, it just makes the game feel more generic. Even as a 13 year old I thought driving around the city was boring as hell which it still is. No amount of combo cars will make it not boring. The zombies were never much of a threat when youre in a vehicle anyway, they remain a mere nuisance and the qte for them never changes either so when you see that animation come up you already know what button/key to hit and likely already are mashing it just to get it over with whenever the prompt pops up. Due to the more fleshed out open world of this game as opposed to previous titles, that also means that there are a bunch of collectibles all over the map. Fun.

Also people weren't kidding when they say the pc port sucks. It's not the worst port I've played but God damn, they could have at least patched it at some point.

At least I was able to bring myself to finish this game again. Couldn't even play a single playthrough of DR4, that game had no redeeming qualities that I saw in the 2.2 hours I played of it

Made by redditors for redditors. Shit writing, not funny, very boring gameplay, majority of sexual content has no flow in the course of the game, it's mostly done in a scene viewer in your bedroom. You motherfuckers gave these people money

This game reminds me of Overwatch.

As in, the copious amounts of SFM/Blender NSFW Animation is better than the actual game

I havent actually played this, I just want to say that I think its terribly hilarious that this dude got to work on another game after making some mobile game and it's this nonsense. God bless

Eh it's ok, I guess. Don't expect anything stellar out of this.

Campaign isn't particularly short nor long
Gameplay is pretty standard: wake up in your trailer, craft some shit, head out to a location, scavenge for resources, kill zombies, do some quests, kill other survivors, head back to your trailer, go to bed. Rinse and repeat until you finish the story or get bored.
Not much variance to this formula so it can get rather dull pretty fast. Doesn't help that AI for both survivors and zombies is extremely basic and easy to cheese.
Guns are pretty strong and make the game just braindead to play. Unless you're a shit shot(which is quite hard to be considering this game actually gives weight to your guns so it helps stabilize itself), you can just get some pistols and headshot everything and bumrush through the rest of the game.

Story isn't really anything special. There's a choice you can make at the end which boils down to whether or not you want to moral*** and get some extra dialogue or get an HK416.

Overall it's playable and cool at first but if you play this for more than 10 hours, you'll probably start to get sick of it.
Satisfying as hell to brain zombies though.