I don't really want to go in-depth here so Im just gonna say what Im thinking about.

Linear game with very minor exploration. Which isn't a bad thing, it's just that the game very quickly starts to feel formulaic.
You wander around through hallways to obvious combat arenas, crawl through vents and are shoehorned on to various narrow hold w to progress pathways for a jumpscare at the end.
Speaking of the jumpscares, they aren't really that good nor do they work that well. Granted, sure, it's "like Dead Space"
Back to the exploration, sometimes you get a side path which typically has some supplies for you to grab. Sometimes the game doesn't really show off which path is the main one. Sometimes you end up taking the main path, realize it after a minute or so of jogging and then back track to go grab whatever you might've missed. It can be pretty boring outside of combat, it is most of the time.

The combat can be pretty engaging when you get into the flow of dodge>combo>gun follow-up>stomp dead body for item drop.
When you get the GRP glove you essentially have all the utility you need in the game, greatly trivializing the rest of the playthrough outside of boss fights. The arenas in this game have very obvious throw enemy here for instant kill traps for you to use.
Also there's stealth in this game but it's pretty half-baked and just slapped in there so you can have a setpiece with a lot of blind enemies about halfway through the game.
It's a pretty boring segment and I kind of felt like I was cheesing that part by actually stealth killing most of the enemies which isn't very hard to do considering how artificial the ai pathing felt where they sometimes just line up for you to stealth kill them.
By the way, enemy item drops sometimes just don't show up which might be intentional but I doubt it considering it's like a 1 in 20 chance that bodies dont drop something or they do show up but they drop in a spot where you can't actually grab it.
You know that first Birkin fight in RE2make? Well that's most of the bosses in this game. Run, shoot, run, shoot. There are a couple bosses where instead of running and shooting, you get to dodge and melee them. Oh yea dodging in this game is just alternating A/D or left/right. You just hold it down and the game does it for you, sometimes unintentionally. So yea some of the bosses is A>D>A>Melee combo>gun followup.

Checkpoints in this game are iffy, they are sometimes placed pretty far back so you have to redo long walks or even worse, heal/use shop/switch weapons/reload weapons again after dying at a checkpoint for the 4th time. It can get pretty tiresome. Also manual saves aren't actual saves, they are just snapshots of checkpoints.

Game felt too easy halfway through, I cranked it up to maximum difficulty, game still gave me the hard mode achievement. Probably not gonna do another playthrough of this. Wish I didn't spend $60 on this. Oh well, I have a job, I get paid Tuesday, I'm not gonna worry so much about the $60 I spent on this in a week. Also disregard this, this is a bad spending habit.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I should really put this is a 5 or a 6, when the game had fun encounters, it was a solid 6, otherwise boring and unremarkable. I wouldn't recommend this but I got some enjoyment out of it.

Final note: I have not talked about the story, the visuals, or music. It was all pretty whatever.
Kind of shitty gore also sci-fi unreal engine 4 game
Shrill sfx

Beat my wenor to blender/sfm rule34 animation of fortnite models

No-build is fun

Campaign is rancid, probably more fun on Regular but I stubbornly put myself through Vet
Netcode sucks dick
Gun balance makes the grind fucking miserable at times.
Fun to piss people off in mp though
Legitimately missing shit like barracks, records, saving blueprints. You can also tell that this game is kind of a too many cooks kind of thing considering how some shit was just blatantly overlooked.
I'd still say I prefer MW19 over this but this is fine, it can only get better with patches. Right?

Let's fucking go.
Gun bloom is nowhere near as bad and I get populated rush lobbies with normal fucking progression.
All the fucked up hud element opacity can actually be toned down now so shit is actually visible and blocked by some other shit

Im literally only playing rush, that's all I need

Good arcadey, meatgrinding fun.
Can get pretty damn frustrating considering people do not communicate and actual smooth brains take the officer roles. This kind of game asks that you play suicidally to take points; don't worry so much about your own k/d, just push and keep throwing yourself at the wall.

Class progression is a boring grind made worse by needing to do challenges after hitting level prerequisites so you can unlock shit for your loadout. You can expect around 12 hours to fully grind out a class going off my own play time as assault

Don't ask for a comparison to Tannenburg or Verdun, I never tried them. Going off what I've heard, this is generally just a Verdun expansion.

Epitome of "dude play until level 30, then the game really opens up."
Aggravating to think about but the post-game has a solid dopamine loop

I remember it being kind of cool when I was 10 but I also do not remember anything about the actual story and gameplay. I do remember being able to throw random people though, that shit was funny

Campaign gets slept on, VTOL missions were fun

Liking this a fair bit, kind of feels like mobile Chunithm. Seems like it's gonna be pretty damn grindy when I'm out of that period where the game just gives me free shit all the time. I'm sure by the time I hit that point I'll probably have all the songs I want unlocked so I doubt I'll really care. It's pretty fun mogging shitters online whenever you drop FCs on them.

Found out Round1 in my area has this and Chunithm so I finally got to try DRS. Im not particularly good but shit's fun and I feel fucking great when I actually get the footwork down and stick with it.

I'm in my buddy's car with 2 beers in me while high off a cart. We pull up at Towson Town Center. Hop on this shit for 2 sets and my heart is pounding; the adrenaline damn near sobers me up for a good 40 minutes. Love it

I've actually stopped smoking cigs for this game and have noticed the cardio improvement. Feels pretty damn good

It's pretty solid, I just don't care to finish it. Don't care for Team Ninja games in general really although I can't deny they are good at what they're doing with Nioh and this.

Largely kinetic and there's not much this has to offer on subsequent replays unless you actually would like to do your stat allocation differently. The dialogue is great and in my experience makes it well worth checking this out again even after my initial playthrough just to see what things I might've missed out on, which I know for a fact is actually quite a damn bit.

The campaign is honestly pretty solid. Shame SHG hasn't done anything nearly as interesting as this since.

Sons of bitches stole my ps3, I never finished this one