I don't feel like writing a review for it on google maps so I'll write my quick rundown on Mr.Beast Burger here because I figure, "hey I just had a pretty dull meal so lets talk about it on the page for a pretty dull game".

First off the plus: The presentation was alright with the stylized box giving a nice little flair to it separating it from a standard burger joint where you just have a labeled wrapper or box, although since I ordered a fat bastard meal through Ubereats I got an almost entirely unmarked brown bag with generic brown tape enclosing it, sure it's a relatively recent chain but you'd think they would have that kind of branded bagging and shit by now.
This is also probably the first time I have ever grabbed a burger and not have had my hand covered in grease immediately after getting a hold of it, that's as far as my compliment for that goes.
The fries were crispy and I quite like crinkle cut fries so that was nice.
Any praise stops here

The buns are thick and dense. I also said earlier that the burgers aren't covered in oil so they end up being pretty dry which doesn't help at all with the thickness of the buns.
Since the location near me doesn't have fountain soda yet, for the fat bastard meal I ordered I had one(1) 12oz canned Sprite to accompany it. So you get dry buns, a hefty chunk of fries, and not much liquid to scarf it down with.
Since these are smashpatties you don't really get much ground beef with the burger so I feel the majority of the caloric content of the burger ended up being the thickass buns. Also due to the fact that you don't get much in the way of actual meat, I don't see a real point in getting one of these burgers unless you really just like the taste of bread. The condiments on the burger were ketchup, mustard, and mayo which sounds nice when you're 12 in the lunch cafeteria and you see the sauces and think Imma make me some sloppa. The sauces and the bread end up almost overpowering any flavor the beef would've had with the most prominent flavor on my mind being, "wow mustard is not great on a burger."
You can't ask too much from a generic shitty e-celeb branded burger joint but the fries seemed like they just dumped the seasoning in the container on top of the fries leading to a mediocre distribution of seasoning so you get the occasional fry thats just quite a bit saltier than the rest.
The chicken sandwich or whats actually labeled the "Crispy Chicken Tender Sandwich" is just lazy. I actually missed that it was a chicken tender sandwich cause I was just fixing to eat like a fat cunt since the last thing I ate was a pot of ramen at 9-9:30AM so I hastily added it to my cart to max out on the potential discount of the 50% off I was offered by Ubereats. Like the burger, dry, except its chicken so its even more fucking dry. Its also just chicken tenders so yea the mayo, lettuce, and pickles are nice but its uh, not really much else besides that. Just another bland, dry sandwich.

All in all, disappointing with a couple nice things that are quickly forgotten in the realization that you paid 20 US DOLLARS for a shitty burger combo meal. I could've gotten my food faster if I ordered from Shake Shack and I would've even gotten a shake too, a pretty damn nice shake at that.

I wish I only ever played it on pc cause this game is not fun at all to replay. I can't see myself ever completing my pc playthrough

Raid mode is aight but I fucking hate Moira so much. Obnoxious broad with half-assed development.

My buddy Kaio said it works pretty decently for supplemental lessons in between his pilot shit at college so Imma give it a 10 on his behalf

Think I've played this game like 6 times now

I enjoy it slightly more than 1 for being short to just bumrush through over the course of a restless night.

Also enemies dont feel as spongey by the end of the game, even with the adaptive difficulty trying to fuck you over

Only fun with friends, dont even bother trying to play solo

Interesting remake of Deemo giving it puzzles and very mild exploration aspects. VR mode is a complete fucking gimmick. Also you're shit out of luck if you can't play 6k rhythm games

No fucking way dudes are actually giving Riot even more money as well as letting FUCKING RIOT have chinese spyware on their pc

It's not bad but I fucking hate playing it so goddamn much in a competitive setting. I hated doing it with 4 and I hate doing it with this. I don't know why the fuck I ever bothered attending Xanadu venues with my brothers, playing this game competitively makes me seethe to no end.

Best part of Smash @ Xanadu 300 was when one of my bros spotted my meal at Denny's after the shit was over.


Uh it's ok? I still turn this back on every now and then for a run but considering how slow the content comes out I feel that I'm just playing very similar runs over and over again. It's not boring, but it's not really all that intriguing at the moment.

The people aren't as obnoxious as they are in vrchat and it has gameplay. Back when I first got vr it was the first time in quite a while I found teens in a game who I could actually hold a conversation with without thinking "what a fucking dork"

Never have I ever played a game that is so mentally exhausting to grief in before the creation of VRChat. Maybe if I didn't fucking hate 90% of the people I meet online I'd enjoy VRC but even still it's not really a game and it runs like dogshit due to being on a shitty old build of Unity. Also I didn't realize just how fucking much Euros love to ERP until I joined /vrg/ and found out that half of the people on that general are ERPing homosexuals(not even trying to be derogatory this is just my actual finding)

its metal gear rising but only 5 hours so its not worth the price but its solid - My buddy from Eritrea

Text from a jannied Tenki No Ko review on MAL

My black friend says this flick is bad. Very bad. He says "fuck that ___ movie" "i tried to watch this with my brothers but an hour in they get in a super heated argument about the rapper drake and i say "fuck it" and just played transformers devastation for the rest of the film

You can do everything in the game right and still get fucked over by RNG twice. Decent game but that shit was more than a little unnecessary