My god Bethesda has fallen off a cliff. Todd Howard can make this and Starfield?

The writing and characters of this title is top notch. It feels so RPG it is practically a guidebook on the genre. A zoomer brain ruined by a short attention span would hate this title based on how free and packed full it is. A remaster or remake would be amazing :0

I believe the developers of this game might have early-stage psychosis. The sheer creativity and scope that comes in to making a title like this is unfathomable.

A amazing remake to an amazing title. My childhood game brought to life in a gorgeous body. Please remake P1 and P2 Atlus!! (Overprice game and DLC's but I'll let it slide)


A sequel that takes the franchise to new heights. The original, before HD2 release, peaked with a few thousand. This game reached hundreds of thousands.

Very fun with friends or without, however it does have many bugs (haha) that range from improper damage calculation to straight up crashing the game.

How do you even talk about a title like this one? A game that, maybe unintentionally, lied to it's consumer base and engaged in sketchy activity (limiting reviewer freedom and lying about performance) while also being one of the greatest DLC's ever. CDPR has both destroyed and redeemed their reputation in the span of 3 years. Shareholders have to learn their place and stop rushing art.

Anyways, a beautiful DLC with even better story, and characters than the base game. It's so good you shouldn't get Cyberpunk without the DLC attached. Could be $60 and still worth the purchase. Enhanced even more by the 2.0 update that dropped with it.

Kojima elevated the medium of gaming to it's greatest peak. He will forever be known as it's Newton from how revolutionary his ideas are. People make fun of his movie-like games, it's excessive at times yes, but holy crap he's a genius.

Like every Persona game it contains great writing, great story, great messages, and some of the greatest gaming soundtracks ever.

I love Ada Wong. You know what I love more? Leon.

Great DLC, maybe a bit excessive on the yellow-paint (make it toggleable in the settings) but that doesn't impact my rating.

Originally RE4R released with some cut-content, all of that is restored in this DLC making it practically a must have for the full experience.

Bioware in it's prime is only matched by a few companies (FromSoftware is one of them). It proceeds to release some of the greatest games of all time and fall out of public opinion immediately after. Amazing writing, and everything.

Couldn't stomach 9 hours of this snooze-fest. I actually fell asleep playing this game. Bethesda's doesn't understand a formula they made. Morrowind is better play that. (Please make your games more like Morrowind.)

An epic sendoff to one of the greatest trilogies of all time (my number 1) must have DLC's that enhance the story and contain the best boss fights in the entire series.

Greatest indie game ever.

A game with impeccable style, gameplay, and fun side activities like building and exploring all in one package that is $10 which goes on sale every week.

My favorite JRPG ever and amongst my top 15 games of all time. Well Persona 5, the original, has many problems this game fixes all of them and improves the story and gameplay tenfold. Only problem is Haru screentime :(

A game only playable once. A game so beautiful I never wanted to finish it.

There is a reason this was the highest rated PC game on IMDB for many years. The writing of this game might be one of, if not the, best of all time. So much beauty in such a horrible place. While Disco Elysium 2 will never come I'm glad ZAUM could release this masterpiece. The gameplay may be boring to some as it consists of just walking but the writing is so unfathomable you forget about it being a point and click title.