Did Ratchet & Clank need to have a bland but accessible 4-player co-op platformer?
Did they make one anyway?

It sure ain't easy playing Tomb Raider for any stretch longer than a twenty minute demo

Suda musta had a rough childhood

They got rid of the empty open world! Too bad they also made the combat and story slightly worse.

It's way easier to buy Suda's bullshit when it's in a weird and whacky side game spinoff thing

The best thing to ever happen to Suda was having a meddling studio and Mikami breathing down his neck

The atmosphere, story, and setting are sometimes cool...but the combat is pretty universally bad

Great Value® Ridge Racer™ but the crashes are cool

Frontrunner for Most Improved Sequel

Why they gotta do RE7 dirty just to be more like RE4?

One smashing inception of a still-flowering franchise

Thank you, Mark Cerny, for one of the greatest opening levels in video games ♥

A master class in repurposing multiplayer maps

Bioshock + Computers = Good