Looks a lot like Stranger of Paradise!

My last review was meant to be posted on this game instead of the game it was posted on.

A phenomenal video game adaptation of Plato's Cave Allegory. The giant boobs were a huge improvement on the original text.

I hope the developers of this game aren't ever hired to work on a vaguely adjacent series in the same genre-space.


Beautiful game. It's insane that if you try to play it without smoking weed first it just doesn't run, though. I wonder how that effect was achieved?

A good Zelda game, but not a very good game.

Ruined a whole generation of gamers. (Has a dedicated block button.)

This game feels like it was designed solely by SpikeTV.

I wanted to go hard on this game, but I'm feeling a little too bubbly and sweet today!

Vriska should have killed more people.

In 2003, the Japanese government committed a heinous crime against the patron saint of gaming, Yuji Naka.

But that's a story for another time.

The Kid couldn't believe that Bastion was a fascist propaganda game. But it was true, just as true as when Zulf stole my tummy pills on a moonlit morn.

I'm so glad they finally boobified Lady. The game was simply incomplete without that change.

Backloggd users when they think about games too much.