Not only can I not defect to the Soviet Union, they added statues of the false idol Yoshi everywhere. Justice for Kero-tan.

"Sorry, babe, I don't know if this is peak," she says. Sure you don't.

The perfect game to watch someone else play and scream "Lesbian!" at the screen every time a character appears.

Discord users have no emotions.

If a game has a train full of monkeys on it, then...

No no no no no no no no! This is not how it's supposed to go at all! She's supposed to love Obscure Game 7!

You need to buy this game NOW or else everyone will die.

And the STORY - ohohohoho, the story - is VERRRRRRRRY different from previous Zelda games because Link has to save Hyrule from Ganon!

1STPAI sounds a lot like the final boss music from Drakengard 3. Yoko Taro strikes again with possible peak fiction.

Somewhere between this and Phantom Hourglass lies the best steampunk Zelda game ever made. One that we'll never get, and I know that we'll never get it. Sigh.

Has one of the worst lines in all of gaming history. You're the remnants of Nelo Angelo? Please.

You're crazy if you prefer the remake to this. Like, clinically insane. I am diagnosing you. Not just YouTube thumbnail insane! Really insane!