A fun use of the PlayStation 5’s capabilities however can get pretty bland.

As my first sonic game in a long long time and my first finished sonic game I can say it was alot of fun. The story was interesting and worth following, music was spectacular and overall a nice breath of fresh air for the franchise after Forces and Boom

Was a difficult platinum on PlayStation but a fun and engaging game

Not really my thing, not a massive fan of the ship battles, the controls or main character most of the way through, probably my least favourite AC game as of my playthrough of the series.

A mixed bag of quality when it comes to the three games, pretty barebones compared to Thieves End (even with in the third game) combat can get bit stale but fortunately the games aren’t too long each if you play it in longer sittings.

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A fun experience to playthrough, however it is way way too bloated with content compared to its predecessors as well as too much rng for its captial ships. But for those who are a fan of Lego and Star Wars and even Lego Star Wars it’s a deserved pick up.

A fun return to form (even if I haven’t left the form as of writing this review). Well worth the wait and worth a play for those on the fence. Makes more excited to check out Origins,Odyssey and Valhalla with more hope

An amazing collection of legendary classics. Well worth a purchase and go through.

Decent fun and a short expirence. Though tiresome NG+ expirence since not all cutscenes are shippable

Decent title, was fun to work through but failed in some places that Zero Dawn succeeded in

It’s good give it a go and make sure you do all the side content.

An amazing title, with a challenging yet satisfying combat system. Although containing a few annoyingly hard bosses with some unfair/unfun features to them it’s a recommended title to check out

Overall not my favourite titles in the Dark Souls Series (only just better than DS2 in design) but one that’s overall an enjoyable moment to fulfill your soulsborne thirst if Elden Ring, Bloodborne or Dark Souls Remastered isn’t enough for you. Another decent but exhausting Platinum for me but overall it’s a fun purchase if your into this type of game and the DLC is a definite needed purchase

What is there to be said about this title that hasn’t already been said, it’s a relaxing title that got many through the early days of the pandemic in 2020. Although it is lacking with it missing numerous parts that would not turn up till later or never actually turn up and Nintendo did a poor job at slowly releasing content afterwards to later drop loads of it at the end for the last update.