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A really fun game I went and platinumed on my chill down period after Elden Ring exhausted me.Although a little jank and a few moment with total bullsh.t it’s an overall harmless nostalgic game to enjoy when you’re bored.

An amazing fun return to form for the classic Spyro the Dragon Trilogy. I do hope more comes out for the series soon :)

Overall not my favourite titles in the Dark Souls Series (only just better than DS2 in design) but one that’s overall an enjoyable moment to fulfill your soulsborne thirst if Elden Ring, Bloodborne or Dark Souls Remastered isn’t enough for you. Another decent but exhausting Platinum for me but overall it’s a fun purchase if your into this type of game and the DLC is a definite needed purchase

Now this is a pure classic to change the lives of gamers forever remade for modern hardware with modern graphics. I adored the title when I originally played it when I was inexperienced with Fromsoft titles and it’s journey is one that all gamers should try and take at least once in their life times. Though the bosses are a little simpler than what would follow. Thank you Dark Souls for helping me move on to finish Bloodborne

What is there to be said about this title that hasn’t already been said, it’s a relaxing title that got many through the early days of the pandemic in 2020. Although it is lacking with it missing numerous parts that would not turn up till later or never actually turn up and Nintendo did a poor job at slowly releasing content afterwards to later drop loads of it at the end for the last update.

One of my first proper open world games that I finished and platinumed (Don’t look at the Legends Mode trophies). The adventure with Jin is an amazing PlayStation creation that I hope one day will get a sequel to it.

For my first Ratchet and Clank title I was intrested to see what I missed and this has to be one of the most fun games I’ve ever platinumed (and I don’t platinum games all that often). The story is engaging and the characters are amazing a true proper welcome to the PS5 and one every gamer should give a go at when they manage to get their hands on one.

An adorable and notasgic nuke to any log time PlayStation gamers with references to numerous PlayStation titles in a fun collectorthon platformer. Another fun platinum

One of my first proper open world games that I finished and platinumed (Don’t look at the Legends Mode trophies). The adventure with Jin is an amazing PlayStation creation that I hope one day will get a sequel to it.

An overall entertainment and fun remaster. Only problems rely on my skills and the motorcycle and jetski controls being too drifty. Motorcycle for me creates a massive wall halfway through the third game but first and second games are very fun and have played though them numerous times

A perfect DLC for a perfect Game. Nothing else needs to be said

This is a title I loved going through. All the characters are amazing, Ryunosuke is cute. All the mysteries are well crafted and overall it’s an amazing title I wish to one day go back to and play again.

Way too overly big, completion requirements way too high. Overall a beautiful looking game but maybe better luck next time with the next step in the return of Crash Bandicoot

This is actually one of my favourite games out of the secondary trilogy. It’s an amazing introduction for new lawyer Apollo Justice where you get to play around a bit more in intresting and exciting areas (mostly)

My first Platinum and a fun harmless time I wanted to have for a while and then finally got. Not too much to it but it’s not trying to oversell itself so it good.