it's impossible for such a big game to be devoid of imperfections, but for every bruise and wrinkle there's about 10 more things that impress me, engaging tactical boss fights, memorable story moments and characters, choices that really felt my own and so on and so forth
I've already spent so much time with this game and yet...there's still so much more that I missed, and I know that it will receive even more updates and likely a definitive edtion of sorts but even as it is I hardly need any more reasons to go back to it many more times
I may not have anything new to say about it, but my experience with it felt personal and unique enough already

simultaneously polished and rough around the edges, this game proves that there are still good Kiryu stories left to be made while providing a better, albeight definitely undercooked dragon engine playstyle for him

it gets everything right
the immediately apparent and very convinient improvements in the ui are a quality of life change that was sorely needed in Innocent Sin, this game can be played at a much faster pace if wanted and it feels so much better, it's also overall harder than the previous installment which is appreciated, and even if the amount of tools you get does eventually limit the ways in which the game can truly challenge you it still feels satisfying to master persona switching strategies, even more so than in Innocent Sin
the themes of the story are built on so well I'm still in awe after finishing it, the adult cast of the game not only allows it to go to darker places but also to feel more sincere in its hopeful messaging, Maya's motto "let's think positive!" is not a hollow encouragement to ignore your problems and indulge in ignorance that's coming from a shallow person, it's about finding a way to be optimistic in spite of tragedy and learning to be the master of your own life, while not succumbing to hatred, and the game plays on it excellently
and it definitely helps that the cast are all fantastic and that the game even finds ways to give more meaning to the journey of Innocent Sin, making both games feel like they matter

for a game that was supposed to be all about defying fate...this sequel ended up being rather predictable, the new additions and changes to the combat don't do enough to spice up the formula and actually make it worse in some aspects, most of the new characters feel a lot shallower than almost any boss from the first game and even if I didn't always like the direction some k1 characters took at least there was a clear attempt at depth with the majority of them, while here most of the arena fights are just with dudes who exist only for Tatsuya to beat them up and maybe be mildly funny with their heat moves, which are just kind of huge time-wasters now
Tatsuya's trajectory as a character does make sense in this game, however most of the time the plot wants to focus on the really boring kid characters instead which just makes the story a huge slog to get through and sadly the villains aren't good enough to make up for it, and by the end I got really tired of fighting them too, mashing x to get up was already a problem of the original but the sequel gives you even more states that require mashing and by the end I just couldn't be bothered anymore
of course there's still some moments of excitement both in gameplay and story but I feel like for a game that ends on Born to be Wild it's kind of sinful for it to just end up being "okayish" overall

the central concept behind this, as in a world where rumors start becoming reality is a pretty cool idea for a setting and the game definitely delivers on it, there's a good amount of "oh shit" moments in this and combined with the cast where I genuinely cared about every single member made for an exciting story where I always wanted to see what would happen next, and upon starting this I fully expected the gameplay to be the barrier that stands between me and my enjoyment of the story (and sometimes it was) but surprisingly enough I didn't mind and even liked it at many points, the negotiation system is fun and seeing the relationship of these characters change (a factor which would sometimes even depend on my choices) and bring about different interactions and reactions from various demons was a neat way to tie story progression into gameplay, there were a lot of bosses in this game where I felt genuinely smart for figuring out the way to beat them and found only a few of them to be frustrating, though I won't deny that I skipped my fair share of normal encounters (through running away and some modern conveniences), the frequency of which was undeniably the worst part about the combat, still, the fact that I basically never had to grind and enjoyed most of what the gameplay had to offer is commendable even if I was getting a little tired of it by the end
the rumor system is neat even if it is a simple way to encourage a bit of exploration to get better shop deals, the soundtrack was pretty nice and the fact that I'm still not tired of the normal and boss battle themes by now is insane, and the ending is somewhat strange as it obviously isn't the definitive ending considering eternal punishment exists but I think I can buy the fact that it's not all neatly conclusive sunshine and rainbows considering the overall vibe of the latter part of the game and how much we still don't know even after such a long journey
can't wait to see what the sequel has in store

my preferred version, the combat feels great with its satisfying crunchiness and weight and the sountrack is really memorable with its plethora of vocal sampling and chunky guitar riffs giving it that deserved edge, I'll admit it's not the most tightly structured plot in the world but there's so many fantastic character moments that I still loved it even on a second viewing, and I think I can confidently say that I take no trouble with calling this one of my favourite titles from this studio now

it's still a fun time, it is yakuza 2 after all but after playing something like lost judgement I just can't seriously call this game's combat good anymore and its additions don't do that much for me most of the time while its omissions as a remake are head-scratching at best and are a huge shame at worst

aged decently well, the combat is still fun if a bit stiff and not fully developed, the dub is sometimes funny sometimes kind of good and sometimes (a lot of times) out of character but overall I think it's about as good as its remake to me which feels a bit weird to say

awkward start to this one, it was hard for me to get a feel for the combat and get invested in the plot at first, but as the game progressed I eased into it a lot more and grew to care about the characters, the game tries to make the boss fights feel really personal and harmonize them with the story and the characters themselves and while it didn't always land for me I can respect it for trying something different and sticking to its philosophy

yknow I was quite positive in my initial review and I still think the gameplay is pretty good (not accounting for any of the dlc cuz I didn't play that) but looking back on it the writing is really just so godawful and uninteresting when it comes to the main plot and most of the characters that I don't feel right about my initial score anymore

it may have driven me absolutely insane at points, but I really loved the experience overall, although it is by no means a flawless masterpiece
the game's weird structure that splits it into multiple routes each with a completely different story is maybe both the best and the worst thing about it, on one hand it made me wonder about what goes on in each tale and how its story plays out (which often had satisfying payoff) especially when they would cross over, but on the other hand rerunning through the game again and again did tire me out quite often, even if there's still a good amount of things to spice up every foray into the demonic realm of besek
the overkill/majin capture system put an enjoyable spin on the gameplay as it provided a lot of options as to what to do with the said captured majin, the difficulty felt appropriate as I could feel myself getting better and better at understanding the flow of the game with each route and having less trouble every time, but I wish there was even more unique maps to every route than there already are, which brings me to a more general issue that sadly permeates the entire game
after a certain while it becomes apparent that this game didn't have the biggest budget, so despite its ambition and a grand vision a lot of corners had to be cut, there's some cool majin designs and I really like a lot of the boss fights in this game but it would sometimes reuse majin models for what should have probably been a brand new enemy, the soundtrack has a lot of highs and really inspired choices for an srpg but I would catch myself thinking that a decent amount of the more traditional fantasy tracks could use some more work, the art is absolutely gorgeous but the on-map models and the few 3d cutscenes this game does have look kind of rough, and obviously not all routes are created equal
but despite its flaws I played this nearly every day until its full completion (but I would advise literally anyone else to take breaks lol) and I think that says something about the game and how much I liked unraveling its mysteries, in my wet dreams I can see a remake of this game ironing out its imperfections and adding features and content where needed, but unless whatever big company that still owns the ip is one day magically convinced that there's money to be made from that idea I don't think it's going to happen (cuz its actual developer flight plan sure doesn't exist no more)
I'm glad I played this and gave it a fair shot because I feel like this game could use more love and recognition in spite of all of its sins, but above all else, I just think this game doesn't deserve to be forgotten

this happened to my buddy Er- someone probably made this joke already didn't they