Awesome game, love the retro vibes and soundtrack, genuinely some creepy moments that make you uneasy. Classic complex RE style puzzles of taking the thing to the other thing so you can do the thing. Also a pretty compelling story throughout. Can't recommend enough.

Fun and cute little adventure, if you're a fan of Short Hike, Toem or Goose Game then you'll like this. It has slightly janky controls but it doesn't detract from the fun at all.

However, if you're not one to 100% a game and just blast through the main content, this game is like 1.5 hours max, and for £20 is a bit steep for the amount of content. But if you do like collecting everything and doing all the side objectives then it's a great time but still maybe wait for a bit of a discount.

Fun story, repetitive gameplay and drags on a bit, ended up trying to end combat sections as quickly as possible so I could just watch the cutscenes. Also there's like a 3 hour section in this game where Rocket becomes unbearable, I nearly gave up

Solid game, additicive game loop but you quickly realise there's not much below the surface. But still a great time for a few hours, it just wont be your new obsession.

Super conflicted for this one. On the one hand, I love the charm, vibes, style music and core game loop of fishing and managing a resturant. It scratches the perfect itch that I haven't had since Stardew Valley of wanting to make the most money possible in a charming game.

But, this game feels like an ADHD simulator at times, it will switch genre on you at a moments notice, and suddenly you're doing a chase sequence or a random stealth section. It will constantly take you away from the fun fishing and restaurant simulator as if it's not confident in itself.

Overall I still had a good time, but I wished it eased up a bit in some sections.

Personally not my jam, I liked the visuals, the vibes, the story was compelling enough and the characters were all charming.

The gameplay was just a bit too janky for me, I've only played fromsoft games so this was the first non-fromsoft soulslike i'd played, and found the camera, enemy movesets, hitboxes, limited movesets and platforming sections a bit frustrating.

The nail in the coffin was getting lost in the big city trying to talk to the four vendors, and the guy that told me where to go wouldn't repeat his dialouge. Definetly a dumb move for me for not paying full attention, but when I was already on the fence at this point, it pushed me over.

First time I played this game in 2019, I gave up because the combat got repetitive. That is still an issue, but having just played alan wake, I have a deeper appreciation for the world/universe Remedy are building.

The combat is totally fine, but my issue is how much of it there, is, almost every room you go in has a new 5-10 min combat encounter, backtrack through that same room a few hours later? More combat. Considering how cool the world is, the audio logs and the atmosphere, it's a bit of a bummer that those wow moments are ruined by another copy past combat encounter.

However, the story and world make up for this, especially if you've played previous Remedy games.

I've played this game from start to finish like 5 times now, it's great, just skip the story

Too much RNG for me to truly enjoy it, I had fun with my weekend long addiciton, but it quickly felt like I was wasting my time. Especially when you have 2-3 hours of runs just killed by RNG and not your own skill/choices.

The gameplay has aged super poorly for me - I wanted to get into the remedy games so figured I'd start with this one. On the positive side, the plot is really engaging, and sucks you into the mystery pretty quickly, I was immersed in all the 'quiet' moments of watching night springs on the TV, listening to the locals chatter, and watching Alan slowly piece together what had happened. I think this aspect of the game, while obviously being batshit crazy, has aged well aside from some campy dialouge.

However, the gameplay KILLED my enjoyment for the game. It was slow, sluggish and repetitive. Most of the encounters felt more like padding than actual fun gameplay, most of the settings were foggy forests and most enemies were a pain in the ass. I think it's the focus on the resource management, to build up the horror aspect, but when you throw that many enemies at me, it ruins the horror and quickly becomes frustration. And without any puzzles or variety to the gameplay, it was a rythm of stand and shoot gameplay, cutscene and pick up manuscript pages for 9 or so hours.

It's weird as I fairly recently played RE4 for the first time and it did not feel very dated at all, I still had a great time with the gameplay, I think some of the choices here were just poor. But I am very invested in where this world is heading and i'm keen to try AW2 as it supposedy has much better gameplay.

Wonderful little gem, it's been on my radar for a while but the Pikmin comparison sort of kept me at bay for a bit as I wasn't sure what kind of game Pikmin is - I still don't, but this was a charming collectathon platformer which is right up my alley.

I didn't pay much attention to the plot and story but the bits I caught were cute and serviceable for the gameplay. The variety of mixing up level design with the tinykin and adding depth to the exploration really hammered home the fun cosy experience. By the end some puzzle solutions were a touch tedious, waiting for the Tinykin to slowly carry the object from a to b got a bit tired but overall a wonderful game.

Fun to jump back into but i've definitely gotten used to modern QoL features so it felt slow at times.

Not for me, i'm enjoying watching my gf play through it and I tried for a few hours but the combat is the main hurdle for me.

I can appreciate how strategic it is and how it works for this type of game, but personally, I just didn't gel with it and it got in the way of the main thing I wanted which was dialogue and roleplay.

Wonderful indie gem, glad the puzzles weren't crazy hard and the music and art direction was phenomenal. It was one of those classic games where the plot is metaphorical and subtle which can be frustrating but the overall experience was stellar.

Wonderful game that has served as a saving point for the series. Initially I was too scared to play this so opted to play RE2 remake when that came out, since then i've been going through the RE catalogue and loving the journey, but this game noticeably stands out.

The puzzles and cramped feeling of the house remind you of the old RE games with a focus on horror, and for me, it does the horror really well. Obviously on multiple playthroughs the spooks lose their edge, but overall RE7 stands proud alongside the best of the series.