I wasn't so sure at first but I got into the characters and the world eventually. These sort of games where there is a lot of moving from a-b, then fighting some goons and repeat aren't really my favourite types of game hence the lower than average rating for this game. I am glad I persevered though as the ending was quite incredible.

Gave up at first but got good and enjoyed. The rolling when locking onto an enemy is a massive pain and took a while to learn fighting an enemy whilst not locking on but eventually I didn't find it to be too much of a problem. Relatively easy bosses but that might just be because I've played through almost all of the other games so I know what to expect at this point. The Ornstein and Smough fight was easily the most challenging however it is also one of the best boss fights in the series in my opinion.

Very solid platformer which has held up brilliantly. Very tricky too.

Breezed through this, mostly due to the short levels and world skips. Obviously future titles are more enjoyable with the worlds having more definitive styles and level aspects which are more fun but this is obviously a classic which holds the barebones for a franchise still holding strong to this day.

Good fun game, got all the Star Coins!

Slightly underappreciated however still flawed. Bosses and enemies are very bland and not very memorable. The hit-boxes are an issue which levelling up your agility to improve shouldn't have been up to the player to solve but the developers from the start. Some of the areas are pretty cool and Majula is a really cool hub, though it I found it a bit of a chore going back and forth when I needed to level up. The music is really strong in this game and quite a few elements of the gameplay improve upon DS1, particularly being able to lock onto an enemy and then roll in any direction you want. I found this game very addictive too, I couldn't put it down and would just play for many hours at a time, however this might be because I never really got stumped by a boss and breezed through the majority of them. Overall, I wouldn't say this sequel is terrible but when comparing to the other games, it definitely falls short.

FINALLY beat Isshin after an ungodly number of attempts. Fantastic game, incredible combat system which will stand the test of time. Maybe the most challenging Fromsoft game but still so so satisfying to play.

Decent multiplayer game with fun mechanics. Last level was disappointing.

Breath of the Wild has been my favourite game ever since it was released, but now having beaten the story of Tears of the Kingdom, the title has certainly changed. Everything has been improved upon, be it the world design, enemies, story, gameplay etc. I am very glad they delayed the release to make it the way it is. Very excited to continue playing past the story.

Played the DLC too and the Nameless King this time. Amazing bosses and the best of the trilogy.

Solid co-op game with a creepy atmosphere despite it being quite easy.

Demon's Souls (2020) is a beautiful remaster of the original game which I liked! The game is very linear in it's level design but is flexible in terms of how you approach the levels. In theory, this is something I liked, however, once I was suitably levelled up, the bosses became way too easy and none of them really gave me a good challenge like the other games. I love the way the game plays for the most part mechanically. Overall a solid game, just missing some of those 'extraordinary' moments.

Replayed through in one sitting. One of the most jaw dropping endings to a game I’ve ever had the first time I played.

Engaging fast paced gameplay which was only a bit long during some of the fetch quests. Pretty scary and a good laugh.