Played for the Ashes of Ariendal DLC (primarily for the Freide fight) which for some reason I didn’t do last time I played. Even though Dark Souls III has some of the more forgettable areas in the series for me, the bosses are all thrills which is why it has to be my favourite of the three.

I started this game solo last year but didn’t get much from it and it was pretty hard to control so I gave up. Picked up again with my brother and cousins and I’m glad I did because this is a blast with co-op and I recommend anyone who wants to play this does it with friends. It can be frustrating and there is a major learning curve as you play but even though it’s near impossible to master it is still a good laugh.

I started Shadow of the Collosus a few years ago but only did the first couple of bosses. Really enjoyable playthrough this time around. I love how it’s just all about the bosses and there’s no minions scattered around- it makes the world feel so real. The gimmicks of the bosses are what make the game stand out where there is a unique way of taking down each giant. The enemy designs are awesome with each one feeling new and refreshing (apart from the one which is unfortunately pretty much copy and pasted). The ending was really powerful too and capped the game off in an extremely epic way. The game is really janky at points and the physics did not carry well from the ps2 version to this one well at all, making some of the core game mechanics quite frustrating at times. Overall, an epic classic which I am glad I finally got to.

Played with all the DLC’s. Sunken King wasn’t great with the enemies just being placed all over the place (kind of a theme with DS2 anyway but here it’s insane). It has a nice puzzle aspect but it didn’t work as seamlessly as I’d hoped. Ivory King was really nice and I enjoyed the concept of the level- Burnt Ivory King fight is exceptional, shame about the tedious first part of the fight. Also, I ignored the frigid outskirts section since I know how awful that is and didn’t want to put myself through it. Old Iron King was easily the best. Excellent level design and the best boss lineup. Sir Alonne might single-handily be the best boss in the game or at least definitely my personal favourite with Fume Knight close behind. I didn’t find the run back to Sir Alonne to be too egregious but it is still quite obscene. Overall, the boss quality of the DLC’s really helps the overall Dark Souls 2 experience, giving the game boss experiences to actually look forward to- rather than it just being The Pursuer, Velstadt and Looking Glass Knight from the core game.

Decent game with great dialogue. Slightly underwhelming ending.


Cute, easy going game. Not very challenging but the game’s atmosphere is its biggest selling point.

Cool concept at first but didn’t interest me for too long.

Beat with DLC. Went into replaying this for the DLC mostly and also to see if my opinions had changed on the game. Whilst there are still a few bosses in the mid to late game that fall short pretty massively, added in the DLC experience made the whole package really solid. Very enjoyable replay and didn’t end up actually being as hard this time around.


Good level of challenge whilst being casual and a good 2-player experience!

Fantastic game with very consistently good bosses. The challenge level was balanced perfectly.

Big improvement for the 2D Mario series. It is very easy and the 2 played experience isn’t that great but the game’s creativity and randomness definitely makes up for it.

Played through all bosses including DLC. If the four bosses in the second half of the game were better and some of the late game areas weren’t so awful this would be a perfect game.

Fast paced with not much down time. Enjoyable decision making and great ending.

Engaging fast paced gameplay which was only a bit long during some of the fetch quests. Pretty scary and a good laugh.

Replayed through in one sitting. One of the most jaw dropping endings to a game I’ve ever had the first time I played.