Liked this walking simulator. Great way to unfold a story.


Beautiful art style, another one that unfolds the story without speaking a word. Just a lovely experience to play.

I had a really hard time with all the QTEs in this game and ended up getting most of the main characters killed. Didn't love it, but glad I finished it.


Got all the way to the end of this lovely game but finally had to give it up because I just couldn't manage the last little bit of platforming. Sad about that, but otherwise really enjoyed this game.

Enjoyed working my way through this atmospheric game, but wouldn't play it again.

Neat game, another one that ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would be, based on the cutesy characters. I ended up playing it on a easier difficulty and really enjoyed it.

Struggled to finish this one. Narrative choices were weird and didn't seem to affect the storyline, a lot of which didn't make sense to me anyway.


I had a hard time with the platforming in this game and even figuring out where I was supposed to go. Streamed this one and if one of my community members hadn't come in and directed me, I doubt I would have finished it. Having said that, the art style is fantastically creepy!

Such a cool game. Challenging but full of surprises, what a blast!

Another great Little Nightmares game. Loved it!

One of my top indie games. Once I figured out how everything worked I really enjoyed this deck builder. Cool story, cool art style.

Such a cool-looking game! The puzzles were challenging but entertaining and I really enjoyed the whole experience!

Lots of glitches in this game, lovely art style, but man it was tough going and I had to force myself to finish it.

This game ended up being pretty deep, made me cry at one point. Fantastic story, great art style. Really enjoyed it.


My all-time favorite indie. Beautiful, evocative game, lovely story, fairly simple puzzles and platforming, so no struggling. Just enjoy this lovely little game.