This game is just awesome. Like everything is good in it. Exploration, difficulty, story telling. No wonder this game is still a masterpiece so many years later.

The only problem of the game is a problem with it's console. This game deserves a remake with better controls since all the buttons on the SNES controller were used and there was a lot of things you could do with Samus. That can't be considered as a flaw since it doesn't depends of the game, but of the controllers buttons.

Despite the fact that the game and the controls are getting old, I think it's a really good little "open" world. The fact that you have to play both Karma side to get the Platinum Trophy may be a flaw or a good point depending on how you appreciate the game. t

The Canon Ending, though, is the Good one and it is more difficult than playing the Evil. It is better to start with Good on the first playthrough and play Evil (and in Hard Mode) on the second. The game isn't long since everything can be found with the radar on the mini-map.

What a game ! It's one of the best RPG system that I've ever played! The XP, leveling and fighting system is just awesome and well balanced! Of course, the game costs a LOT of money if you want to maximize the level of your weapon, but you can bet money and save. It just takes time, but it's not that a problem.

Searching for all characters is a pleasure and even if I had a solution with me to find them all on my first playthrough (I stream the game and I never play on my free time so I won't have the time for another playthrough, so I wanted the 100%), I think if I had the time for 2 or 3 playthroughs, I would have tried to find them all without the solution.

A must play for every fan of RPG.

This was my first time playing a Tomb Raider and I was very much surprised! Really liked the game, the story and the characters. I usually hate collecting stuff in a big 3D map with too much details in the graphics, but this one is perfectly balanced. You can find pretty much anything if you explore a little without having to go to places you would not have find if you had not turn the camera (hello Jak n Daxter and Spyro).

Friends told me it was the best of the trilogy with Rise and Shadow. I just can't wait to play the other games.

The only flaw of the game is that the controls are getting old and sometimes, Lara does some weird stuff. Especially when it's time to jump.

Ok... wow. This game is just awesome. It's hard when you start and when you don't understand how the game works, but when you get it, it becomes a wonderful puzzle game. A must play for every lover of puzzle and riddles. Of course, the game is getting old, but it is still playable. Especially in the 2014 version in which you can walk normally instead of point n click.

It was my first Tales of, but the second I finished and I think this game didn't steal it's reputation. There's plenty of stuff to do and for gosh sake, beating ennemies gives some gald. In Tales of Arise, that was one of the biggest problem, but not in this one. Thank God.

However, this game has some flaws even if it's a great game. My problem is that I have the feeling the developpers thought we would forget the reasons why the characters goes on a journey to save the world. They felt the need to repeat it EVERY FREAKING CINEMATIC. It's repetitive. Plus, the only relationship that is developped is the one between Lloyd and Colette (and let's say Kratos too).

For the rest, I have nothing to say. I liked that game, but just because of the repetitive repetitive and repetitive cutscenes, I'm not going to play it another time, even for the 100%.

This sequel is better in any points than the first game. The first one was pretty good, but quests were repetitive and not as funny the ones in this game.

The major flaw is about teleportation that forces you to walk long distance and that will be corrected only in Borderlands 3. But I'd say that if it's the only problem I can find in the game, then it's a very good one.

I also did the DLC and Bunkers & Badasses was my favorite! I think I slapped King Jeffrey a hundred times!


I played the PSP version of this game and I just loved it. Soundtrack is awesome and the battle system is also really good! The game is short though, only 6 hours and in Normal Mode, it's quite easy.

The battle system is pretty original and I wish there were more of these in RPG. It saves you a lot of time of farming.

Only 2 flaws in this game

1- Not being able to drink a potion while fighting a boss, that's a big no. With the level max at 10, it's just frustrating. I'd understand if you could farm as much as you want and grind level, but in this game, it's not possible

2- The inventory system is sometimes confusing between the rings, the objects, etc. It's not that a big deal, but I'm pretty sure it could have been better.

This game is pretty good, but hard. Like really hard and it's easy to get lost in it. Since when you touch and enemy, you fight them into another screen, it's easy to get lost or just die since you can only go into 2 direction instead of 4 like in Zelda 1.

Also, there's a lot of mazes (hello Death Mountain) and spells can be hard to find. I did this game twice and I needed solution both times.

I though have to admit that dungeons and bosses are pretty cool even if there's a lot of useless room in each of them that'll cause death. The only problem with that is that you have 3 lifes and if you lose them, you don't restart in the dungeon you were in... you restart in Zelda's chamber at the beginning. At least, you can save your game and you won't lose progress, but the more you advance in the game, the more time it takes to go back to the dungeons. In Zelda 1, you had no life and you restarted at the beginning screen only when you turned off the NES.

Last problem : The final boss is just a joke. It's a Dark Link easy to beat. You just need to crouch and spam the B Button and eventually, you'll beat it. The real final boss is the bird in the previous room.

I hated this game. Like seriously and for ONE flaw that is too important.

The idea of finding different babies to advance in the game and beat at 100% is really an excellent idea. It's original and this Yoshi game is as hard as the one on Super Nintendo and New Yoshi's Island on 3DS. But goddamn even with this, your whole game will go from hard to FREAKING HARD because of ONE thing.

Egg throwing system is just completly broken. In this game, you use the two screens of the Nintendo DS to navigate. Your character is on the lower one and on the upper, you see the sky with sometimes some cloud on which you have to throw eggs. The aiming is just broken.

If you want to touch sometime on the upper right, you need to calculate and throw a little more on the left (or the right if you're trying to throw on the left) because there's an empty space between the two screens, but the egg continues in the direction you threw it.

It's hard to explain without playing the game, but you'll see it if you try. The upper screen low space and the lower screen upper espace arenot sticked together, there's a big empty space between them you can't see.

This game is a proud Quebec made game and I'm pretty happy to say we made the scariest horror game ever! This one is scary and the fact that it is a puzzle game makes you explore the house and take the risk to get attack in the dark by one of the three ghosts (Lucy, Dolores or Rakhan).

You have mental health gauge symbolize by a brain that turns more red each time something paranormal happens. If you want to get scare, play this game.

Now for the flaws, there are two major :

1- The inventory system just suck. It enforces the anguish and the stress because sometimes, you have to change item while being chased by a ghost (It happened to me with Dolores), but most of the time, it's just frustrating.

2- This is a horror game in which you just have to follow clear tracks to trigger a scary scene which you just need to pass through.. or wait for it to finish. Some people could think that it is just boring since most of the time, nothing scary happens outside these planned scene except for ghost chase that pops randomly. Even though, the atmosphere is creepy.

The goal is to discover what happened to the three ghosts of the house and there's a hidden fourth chapter if you find all the videotape, resolve the puzzles and find the mirror mask that'll unlock the good ending. There's also some collectibles if you're brave enough to search for them.

Just remember in this game to unlock and open every possible door, find all keys and of course, know by heart where is the electric room cause sometimes, lights won't work and you'll have to repair them.

It doesn't beath Turtles in Time, but to me it is the best TMNT game on the NES. It is hard, but still well balanced and I played it (and finished it) so many times when I was a kid.

You have 3 lifes and 3 continues to beat the game and the first time you'll play, you'll probably restart against Beebop in the third stage and when you'll understand how to play better, your next death will probably be against the crocodile in the sewer's fifth stage.

Of course, you'll get frustrated to restart the whole game, but it is so much fun to play (especially with a friend).

The only flaw of the game is that when you play with two players, you can hurt your comrade. Another point is that the game doesn't change it's difficulty if you play alone. You might as well play with a friend.

This game is just a masterpiece and knowing it's been developped by only one guy makes more amazing. I did a Genocide and Pacifist Run and I really loved both of the gameplay it proposes and the moral thoughts behind them.

It was a major surprises to discover the real meaning of EXP and LV. I'd suggest to anyone who wants to play the game to start by a Pacifist run and then do a Genocide! It reveals so many things that I won't spoil but that will leave you agape.

This game is just not good at all. I played the demo and there's no chance I'll play the whole game nor buy it. It's full of bugs. The graphics sucks and you can't see shit in front of you.

There's a beast attacking you sometimes in the dream phase but it's just a shitty jumpscare simulator cause it doesn't even cause death. Sometimes it bugs in walls for long minutes. FNaF games are better choices for jumpscare simulator.

This is definitly the best Simpsons game that was ever made! You can play a total of five characters in 7 levels! There are a lot of Easter Eggs of the show, humor is just like in the show too. Simply perfect (almost in fact, but I'll come to it).

You can explore 3 parts of Springfield (the first part is around the Simpson's house neighborhood, the second in downtown and the third near the docks) and each time you go back in one place, some changes occurs.

The only problem (in my opinion) about the game is that even if you find every collectibles are all coins, you won't have enough money to buy every car and every clothes. If you want to do the 100%, you'll have to break everything around you (which takes time and damage your car on which you'll have to pay to repair if it explodes). The more you break, the more you trigger the police and most of the time, the penalty will cost more than the money you made.

The only way is to use cheat codes that makes every car you touch explode and get more money. That's sad.

One last thing : The 3 final missions of the last level are just the same but with 3 different car... they're a pain in the ass and they're hard...and of course repetitive and boring.