I really loved this game! Humor is funny and the sword fight with insults are just perfect! The game is hard without a solution and you to do a lot of search and backtracking. Some solutions are really well hidden, but never unlogical.

I got it for free on Amazon Games and I hope people who took it at that time will try this game! It doesn't take long to finish and there's two possible ending and they're both funny.

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I just love this game. I love to drive old cars in Paris and explore the city while I make things explode to harm nazis. Being a part of the Resistance in a Paris of the 40's while enjoying a gameplay between Assassin's Creed and Grand Theft Auto is just the dream!

The story is basic, but tragic with funny characters making jokes (especially Sean). Though I have to admit that I've been disappointed by the ending. You climb up the Eiffeil Tower to face THE responsible for all your sufferings and loss... and no gun fight. You just kill him with one bullet. At least, a hand-to-hand fight would have been cool. The gameplay already has a hand-to-hand fight mode so... no reasons here.

The Wind Waker was already a pretty good game even if there were some flaws like the music that were constantly replayed everytime you played one or the fact that the world is pretty big and that there's no swift sail. In the original game, you also had to change time the wind direction manually, which takes almost half of your in game time.

In this HD version, all these flaws were corrected. Plus, now most of the triforce chard have been replaced by the triforce part. It just makes the game better and easier to appreciate.

Last flaw corrected : With the gamepad, you can follow your boat while you're searching for a treasure while having your treasure chard open. In the original game, you had to pause and check the card menu... a pain in the ass.

Though let's admit it. The ocean is pretty empty and many islands are useless in the main game. If you want a good reason to explore them, try a Randomizer like I did on Twitch.

This Zelda is by far the one with the most shittiest gameplay ever. The motion+ gaming is horrible and it is the same on Nintendo Switch. At least there's the button gameplay option, but it is still hard. A plaster on a wooden leg.

The story goes deep into the lore of Zelda's universe and the temple are, let's admit it, pretty cool! The whole game would have been awesome if the gameplay and the controls weren't based on the Motion+.

This game follows the events of Return to the Hylian which I already reviewed. This game is better than the first one. The gameplay is the same, but the story is far more developped and there's some surprises.

If you played Return of the Hylian, you won't be disappointed by this sequel. And once you finish this one, try Time to Triumph, the last game of the trilogy.

This short game (2-3 hours max) is an independant game created by Vincent Jouillat. He didn't made games since a long time, but he took the time to make a DX version of this one and damn : This is sympathic and good. A good homage to ALTTP. This game follows after the events of ALTTP and there's two sequels that are as good and even better.

Take the time to try it. It is easy, but since it's short, you won't have time to be bored.

I finished this game a lot of time. It sure doesn't come close to Twilight Princess or Wind Waker. The graphics are clearly made for the Game Boy Advance (which is an obligation if you want to play this game with friends since you'll need one GBA per player).

Still, it has it's little charm and it is fun. A lot of the bosses comes from previous game and a lot of Zelda's lore is mix. It takes 10 hours to finish with 20 to 30 minutes per level.

I recommend play it without comparing it to other Zelda's and appreciate it for what it is.

I know fans are gonna throw up reading this review but let's be serious. This game is no revolution, it basically just copies games that were released... but with less quality and more emptyness in it's world. And I think I'm pretty ok talking like this since I finished this game TWICE AT 100% (the second time was a bet lost).

I'll start with good points : The game is beautiful, the map is big and music and sounds are magnificient. Even the voices are dubbed they fit perfectly in french and in english! Nothing negative about that. The main quest is fun, the sanctuaries too and the side quests in each village that implies different characters are also fun. Finally : the memories side quest is my favorite since it adds some lore in the game.

Now... let's admit it. Except for all these quests, this world is empty. There's nothing to do except open chests, find the goddamn korogus and farm rupees and materials to buy or craft armor.

The DLC's are pretty good and they add some cool things to the game, but even with them, the game is empty and the sidequests suck.

Nintendo just followed the open world trend and applied it to Zelda. It is a good idea, but please, fill your world with interesting stuff. If you want to craft stuff, there are games for this. If you want to farm, there are better games for this.

BOTW is just a mixed pot of many gameplay in one game... but not enough developped. And for god sake, the weapons break within minutes, even the Master Sword. It is hard and long enough to get it and max it's power, at least this weapon should be unbreakable.

Conclusion : I hope Tears of the Kingdom will be better cause the main idea to transform Zelda games in Open World is good and had already started a little bit with Ocarina of Time. Now, Nintendo must do it correctly.

This game is just awesome. Graphics are unique in the whole video game industry and there's just so much care. They are handmade and that's what so exceptionnal. The game is hard, of course but it is the objective since a "boss rush" game like this one has to be to maintain a challenge. Else, it would be just boring.

I'm not the best player ever, but I've been able to beat the game with S Rank and P Rank on every boss and run n' gun levels. It took a long time and it was a challenge, but like Celeste, it is so satisfying when you beat one boss.

I'd recommend this game to everyone, not just hardcore gamer since the easy mode is beatable by any casual gamer with a little effort.

There is no objectivity here. This is just my first Final Fantasy and my favorite. I absolutely love the job system with which you can custom and build your characters like you want. You can even farm to master every job and have cheated characters.

Exdeath is by far one of the worst vilain FF got (Sephiroth killed Aerith I know, but Exdeath just kills... everyone and even one major character).

The story is basic, but also surprising since it's divided in three parts which I won't spoil. From all the 6 first Final Fantasy, I think this one is the best and the one that leaves you with the more liberty.

But beware : The game is hard and you can finish it being level 30... it is better to master 3 jobs per character to finish it with just enough challenge.

Did this game yesterday for a challenge! I've been told that it was hard as f... sincerely, it is hard, but we got far worse on the NES.

I used a solution to get through the game within a Twitch live of 2-3 hours, but if I hadn't, it would have been hard because you are constantly lost and you have a lot of backtracking.

Except that, there's a lot of ammunition for all weapons and there's the transceiver bug which make it possible to make everything reappear (food rations include).

The biggest problem of the game is the inventory. There's no logical and you should not need to equip one item only, especially that most of them are keycards or part of a costume. I understand for the weapons, but there are room with toxic gas in which you have to choose between the card to the exit of the room or the gas mask... like you can't wear a mask and hold a card in your hand. And of course, you have to guess between 8 cards which one is good for every door of the 5 buildings of the game.

Last thing : The holes are a pain in the ass since they one shot your character even if you're full life. Luckily, when you die, you restart at some checkpoints and there's a password system. Also, the ennemies are dumb and easy to beat (it is an infiltration game, but if you get caught, it is easy to beat all ennemies).

This one is my favorite Zelda game and it was my first one when I was kid. I did it so many times that now I can only play it in Keysanity Randomizer! Even though, a regular run still has it's charm.

I know there's a timeline in Zelda, but let's speak frankly : This timeline is pure fan service and means nothing. ALTTP is presented as a prequel of Zelda 1 in it, but when it was developped, it was a remake of Zelda 1 with one idea that Miyamoto could not keep in the original Zelda : The time traveling.

The Dark World and the Light World is what proves it since it's technically two layers of the same map. This Zelda is basic in it's story, but I would have been almost the Zelda Miyamoto would have developped first if he could have (the dungeon creator will appear only later in the franchise).

All the dungeons are pretty fun, but I have to admit there's one thing ALTTP did not as well as Zelda 1 : The order of the dungeon.

It's in this game that the Zelda will start using the system of the item that unlock another part of the world, which limit exploration.

This game is just a revolution of the video game history. So it's hard to give it a bad review. This is a little open world in which you can go everywhere except places where you need the raft or the stepladder.

You can also do the dungeons in the order you want and if you want to follow a balanced progressive difficulty, they give you the number of the dungeon.

The only flaw of the game is that there are no ways to know if there's a crack in a wall or a flammable bush... it takes a lot of time to explore everything and that could have been easier with just a mark or something. The clues of old men helps, but most of the time they are not enough.

I don't remember the last time I could not find a flaw in a game. In fact, the story is just so immersive. A good mix between scary and sad. The relationship between Ellie and Joel is so powerful, but also selfish for Joel. The ending proves it.

The gameplay is pretty cool and I'd like to replay this game by finding every collectibles and doing the DLC Left Behind when I'll have more time.

The only thing I noticed in this game that is more funny than a flaw is that there are sequences in which you can't run because there are dialogs... well if you crouch, you are faster than when you walk and it's also the case in the whole game. Though, it doesn't compromise the experience so I would not say it's a flaw.

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Where to start... with good points I guess.

First things first : The first part of the game is really good. I liked the story with the five lords to defeat. There were good surprises in this story. Alphen and Shionne are endearing. The skills tree system is also pretty good.

And that's about it for the good points because the flaws of the game ruins the rest.

1- I know this is how Tales Of games work, but getting no money after battles is a major problem cause you won't have enough money to beat the game correctly if you don't do the side quests and even if you do them all, it will be hard. Also, if you don't get money, why would you farm ennemies? Farming is boring so normally it's not an obligation but in this game YOU HAVE TO farm, because you won't have enough levels to beat the final boss. Not because your stats won't be strong enough, but because you won't have enough CP to use Shionne's healing powers. So you need money to buy more items to restore CP, but since ennemies don't give money... you see where I'm going? If you want money, you need to do the arena and the arena is just boring. You also have to do crafts and I hate that but even if I liked that, it is still a problem. I had to buy 20 levels on the PS Store even if I did all the sidequests of this game just to beat the final boss and I was level 47.

2- The other problem of the game is the characters. Except for Alphen and Shionne's relationship, there are none of them that are well developped. They each have their own personnality and it is well explained when we meet them, but if you want to learn more about them, you need to do the play the dialogs.... and there are SO MUCH of them it's just impossible to learn everything. Character development should be part of the main story or side quests. I'm playing a video game, I'm not watching a movie or reading a manga and this game tends to forget it. Some side quests with useless dialogs like which soup I should cook tonight with a useless PNJ should have been replaced by something about Law, Dohalim, Rinwell or Kisara.

3- This game is REPETITIVE and the second part of the game is just boring. It takes too much time for almost nothing. The story is artificially extended and could have ended after the final lord.

4- After FF VII, everyone tried to kill the healer of the team or make it disappear. I'll just remind that in this game, money is limited, so if your healer disappear, even for a short time, your only option is to use items... which cost money... that is limited... in a game which the farming is harder than in many games and boring... you see where I'm going?

This part of the game was the worst and it happened for no reason... like no reason for real.

If you like Tales of games, you can skip Arise. The story is not so good and even the main theme about pain is not well mastered. This game is a pain in the ass, but the game's not about it, but about the relationship between Alphen and Shionne.