why is it so fun to just stare at the screen while mini ooga boogas develop their kingdoms

its fun and all... BUT FUCKING FIX YOUR GAME, ITS BEEN A MONTH OF PURE AGONY ( i recommend you play it nonetheless )

tutorial starts as a good satisfying cleanup of a van... what could possibly go wrong


Disco Elysium is more than a game, its a literal reshaping experience

As someone who was raised in a majorly conservative family due to christian values and other aspects, i was always inclined to right-winged ideologies and beliefs, i must admit i never cared enough to actually understand what conservatives actually believed i just assumed taxes and free market were good because 1.i thought taxes were basically stealing our hardworked money ( not entirely wrong but im not elaborating ) 2.i thought free market was actual freedom ( spoiler its not ), all of this alongside corrupt socialists parties that fucked my country, not to say that literal history books be making communist countries look like fucking hell and the villains...

So basically all my life i believed in center right ideals and in capitalism overall but again i never cared enough to educate myself on the matter... until this piece of divine work named Disco Elysium showed up to me and oh Lord im glad it did

Disco Elysium is an rpg where the protagonist ( a cop ) wakes up after a fucked up weekend drinking his ass off so much that he literally forgets who the fuck he is, "the whole point" of the game is to solve a crime alongside another cop named Kim Kitsuragi, in this the protagonist has basically a self discovery journey where he needs to learn everything from scratch about the world around him

After seeing that the game would revolve around this i thought to myself "why not actually try to make a play through where i simulate my beliefs into this character" and i did so until shit started making me question those same beliefs...

The game is set in Revachol, it used to be a monarchy but due to communist revolution its not anymore, problem is that same communist revolution basically did not happen to work very well, why? because Revachol was a major center of trade and all the countries around would not benefit from this revolution so they basically oppressed the city once again

With this stated i started to think "damn, why would they do that to people who just wanted freedom" started thinking with my brain ^_^

Anyways the game keeps unfolding i keep progressing and i start to question a lot of things happening in Revachol, characters ideologies, what the voices in my head think all off that culminated in a very confused state where i needed to decide what i should focus and believe on

Disco Elysium proposes 4 political views to be followed

Communism - basically what we know about it
Moralism- a centered belief that emphasizes status quo
UltraLiberals- pro free market so major capitalists
Fascism- what we know about it

Obviously i did think about what i wanted to follow and believe as someone who is questioning about tons of things, i tried to actually see and understand what the other side of coin is as a centered right individual... and, man like it was almost as refreshing as taking that cup of water at 3am, shit felt like i discovered an ancient secret and finally escaped from a cell where i was being imprisoned

The whole time i played the game i was searching things up about communism/socialism and how it works, why this does not happen or why that happens, some of the characters actions and quotes made me question what i valued, it made me want to search more about it and understand it better, despite Disco Elysium having very extreme political views presented it still has them implemented and how they work and i guess in the end of the day all i believed was a lie... and i never was a fucking conservative/liberal who cared more about money than people

icl I did ignorantly believe that communist consisted in the population being controlled and oppressed by the government and obviously all those things like you having to share you bed with a whole random family or your sandwich and car ( if yall did like 10 minutes of reasearch like i shouldve; which i did already; youd know personal property ≠ private property) but whatever

Not to say that Disco Elysium not only opened my vision to political views but also towards people, i feel like i care more you know, empathy, understanding, caring

As of right now im always fucking reading something related to communism/socialism and trying to understand how things like basic humans needs are profited under capitalism and no one cares but i guess right wing has a great job hypnotizing the masses and i can say it because i was (T ^ T)


Disco Elysium is a fucking amazing interactive book where it literally talks to you and can really be so much impactful, im definitely going to replay this great ass game again cuz i missed a lot of things (^O^)

I also need some recommendations on communist books pls

I guess I was a Communist/Socialist all along

This is genuinely terrible

only great redeeming qualities from this was those drawings/paintings and the ending sunset... surprisingly nothing related to horror or any themes presented

ye this game just makes anything slightly better a masterpiece

Only Leon and Helena campaign completed

Honestly its not as bad as people tend to make it be but its not good either, the end section is so damn bad its almost like an eternal boss fight with that mf dog/trex/insect where without a friend to just joke around and laugh hysterically everytime the boss gets near would be a pain in the ass and boring asf

leon and helena both are more bland than unsalted spaghetti and same goes to the main antagonist

At least theres areas where ambience and horror actually hits and does not feel cheap, same goes to puzzles..

Hope the other campaigns better or smth worth spending my time

This game and MGS2 are always set as MGS3 being a more emotional experience and MGS2 being a more mind-blowing one.

Ive seen this being said thousands of times and its easily my favorite comparision of both games

Gladly MGS3 lived up to the expectations and was AMAZING, Specially the end game ( Kojimas expertise )

Anyways, despite some "plotholes" and annoying sections this game is a masterpiece like any other MGS Ive played
like always Kojima never dissapoints


Now make a dlc where Johnny just talks the whole time!!
Could listen to that mf for hours I swear

Some of the greatest themes I've ever seen are in Night Loops, the story revolves mostly around the SELF, which is a really interesting and thought-provoking subject that I like a lot, this is all complemented with a well crafted symbolism giving the whole experience a bit of uniqueness

Night Loops also takes major inspiration from 2 amazing titles Majoras Mask and Yume Nikki, so if you like one or both of them play Night Loops... you wont regret it

Metal Gear Solid 2 the successor of the genius title Metal Gear Solid created by the GOAT Hideo Kojima

First of all, Metal Gear Solid 2 emphasized the overall message of the first game, but it also incorporated a variety of different themes tied to it, making the overall experience unforgettable... and thats why Im here making this review

To be honest, the whole self-identity thing made me reconsider how my life is, how my environment impacts it, how others affect me, and how I view things.

MGS2 opened my eyes to the fact that we are shaped according to our environment; by the things that surround us; the whole point of recreating shadow moses in big shell and proving that anyone with the right circumstances is capable of embodying Solid snake totally proves how the environment is the most important factor in creating an identity.

Now the cool thing is that Raiden, me, you, the player in general is presented the possibility to use the environment as a push to actually shape yourself and create your own future

we pass the entire game doing something we do not even know anything about, living the life of someone we arent due to the environment we were set in but despite that we could use it to understand our own nature and use it as a factor to redefine ourselves.

MGS2 not only gives a perfect message on self identity but also in many things such as overcoming PTSD, accepting your past and moving on, antiwar ideals, mind control etc... theres plenty of beautiful concepts talked about in mgs2 that no other game could represent as well as kojima did.

IDFK if this interpretation of the game is correct but at least I perceived it this way

Thank you for reading this


NieR Replicant was a thrilling ride.

I'll start by saying that I should have begun with this instead of Automata, but it's still fun to revisit NieR's universe after the heartbreaking title that Automata was.

Automata as my first title from Yoko Taro, I was unfamiliar with the way he creates games and stories in general, leaving me disoriented after playing Automata, leaving me with mixed emotions about the game, not knowing whether I enjoyed or disliked that specific experience, BUT after NieR Replicant, that changed.

Why do you ask? (I hope)

Because I now understand what Yoko Taro's major purpose is when creating a game and how his writing functions as a whole.
Yoko Taro wants the player to Think
Feel and Question

Yoko Taro does not force everything possible up your ass, he prefers to make the "bare minimum" and let the player decide what the true significance of what showed was.

I used to really like this type of approach of representing the story to the audience, but I've lost a bit of that passion over the years, which I blame on how games are portrayed nowadays.

I'll use Shadow of the Colossus as an example in which the story is vague and appears to be lost, but it is always present and it is up to YOU to decide how it impacts your journey.

Now that I've finished Replicant, I completely understand why I felt the entire plot of Automata was incoherent or vague, because it is designed to be.

This is certainly not how things actually work with both games because they have well-crafted plots, but I believe my notion still applies but in a more spiritual sense.

Both Replicant and Automata have events that can or cannot be questioned depending on your beliefs, which is what I'm attempting to indicate.

All of this might seem just a bunch of crazy talk but its not, Ueda, Miyazaki and Yoko with Automata all use this method to make their story more unique thats maybe why I find all their titles very charming...

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you Yoko Taro.

I'll be honest, it took me a long time to start playing this series. I knew that MGS3 and MGSV were well-known, but I didn't care much

gladly i got a computer so... i started emulating

The desire to play MGS2 and MGS3 was definitely what motivated me to play this, but MGS1 wasn't at all bad, in fact, it's one of my favorite games

The entire narrative is so skillfully built that it's difficult to believe that everything mentioned matters, the plot twists were something that really caught me off guard and considering this game does not have the best in the series makes my dopamine receptors fry

if yall ever say that "the plot is way to complicated" pls shut up, thast honestly what makes this whole game good and the rest of the series ( probably )

the whole anime-esque but not exagerrated part of this game makes it much better tbh it just adds a bit of comedic relief and stupid things that any other games couldnt pull without being corny

im definitely not great with reviews but at least i tried expressing my love for this title, hope mgs2 as good or better


the classic night shift horror game
its unbelievable how they all scare the hell out of me

I dont know why but this game doesn't click for me, I'm someone who really enjoys movement shooters but I just cant have fun with Ultrakill

Maybe I'm just bad... or not horny enough

for honor content creators carrying this cuz ubisoft doing nothing