For as many screenshots as I have of stunning landscapes and daring adventure, I have about as many shots of bits of writing I found to be resonant and wanted to hold on to. Beautiful.

An interesting farm game that's also a warframe. Can't tell the line between enjoyment and the compulsion systems hitting.

Good game marred by my completionist impulse in games causing me to burnout on games like this. Great title-drop too.

A fun non-deck-building deck-builder that replaces an essential understanding of card advantage with essential understanding of arranging your room.

Mission Mode:
"Hey Glorgu, can you press the 'X' button five times? Holy shit, nice job!"
"Okay, now can you perform these three moves in sequence including one that's five inputs... five times?"

Dang, driving a hopeful racing franchise into the ground is thrilling stuff!

Have you ever thought "dang, I need a game where I can do some 3D platforming, solve some grid puzzles, and feel." Well, here you go!

What the fuck was that?

A gripping, though-provoking narrative, with spectacular moment-to-moment writing. To write much more about the game would be me writing "evocative" far too much in the same way games critics used to write "visceral".

Interesting! Great character work, absolutely gorgeous, and intense score. Plays like a 12 hour All Ghillied Up, and I literally shouted "Catholic Uncharted" at one point.

An evening's worth of righteous vandalism, cute animals, and light puzzling, that's good by me.

Wonderous. Beautiful and clever, but knows when to hold back, and let your imagination get to work as well. Technically, a marvel in how it's systems and world-generation come together to make something much larger than the sum of it's parts. Really loving it and excited to keep exploring around the corner.

I have not been this impressed with a Grand Strategy game in a long time. Takes old mechanics and systems passed by the genre and breathes new life into them in a very cool way. All the while, the addition of people and stories provides interest through the duration of a game. Excited to keep playing!