The overall mechanics are nice and you can do some pretty cool combos, but I feel like the game lacks some spark. The gameplay is extremely repetitive apart from a boss or a new enemy type and the writing is kinda repetitive.

Good lore and characters. The dice mechanic is simple and works pretty well. A nice, short game that makes you wanna drink mushroom liquor.

Since New Super Mario Bros (for the Nintendo DS), I think Mario 2D games didn't stand out and added very few changes to the formula. Super Mario Wonder breaks free from this boring spree and feels fresh and new. The wonder flower and badge mechanics are simple, yet add a lot of fun and diversity to the gameplay. Probably one of the best 2D Mario game ever made.

The developers made a hell of a visual novel about yakuzas and decided to slap some beat'em'up gameplay about, well, beating up yakuzas. You can sing karaoke and play mahjong too, would recommend.

Very mediocre sci-fi concept and execution. The protagonist and its daily life (which constitutes half of the game) are extremely boring. The sci-fi elements are lazy and the general plot didn't stick to me. I was hoping the game would get better once all the plotwists were revealed, but it wasn't the case. Go play Steins;Gate instead.

It is a genually good game, but not perfect in my opinion. The combat and roleplay adaptation from DnD is well executed, but controlling 4 characters (plus summons) can be pretty exhausting considering spell casters can get easily to 30~ different actions between weapon attacks and spells.
The HUD needs more work in my opinion. I used a controller because otherwise the HUD was pretty small, and I felt the inventory managing to be slow sometimes and the combat radials to be messy, even if you try to reorganize the dials from time to time.
I found a concerning amount of bugs, which I guess will be fixed with time but they were annoying. One of them prevented me (without knowing) of romancing Karlach and that made me pretty pissed.
In general, the quests (optional or not) give you a lot of freedom. Most quests have different conclussions and you can achieve them, sometimes, in creative ways. This makes the game more fun, but almost all of the time you will be using standart violence, so don't get used to it.
Overall, a well developed tactical RPG, but it has room for improvement. If you have the time and eagerness to fully embrace the lore, characters and fights that the game provide, you will have a good time.

Very original game and interesting story. The plotwist is kinda crazy.

Not really as innovative as a sequel, but it keeps its fresh and open gameplay. My only regret are the depths, could be more complex and interesting to explore in my opinion.

A really great idea, but lacking in execution. Apart from the sheer quantity of bugs the game has (it's currently in alpha), the murder investigations are extremely straightforward. There is no suspects list, no motive or nothing like other detective games, you just find some fingerprints, find some more in the workplace of the victim and you can find the culprit that way.
The side jobs can be interesting, but because they ask you to trail someone and pretty often will give you very irrelevant info, it's more of a gambling game until you get one where they tell you their workplace or something useful to identify them.
Overall, I was surprised to see how many different mechanics the game use and getting in and out of places feels fun, but I feel like the game tries to do too much and falls short. Maybe with the next years of development it gets better, but right now it can be pretty underwhelming.

Not my kind of game, but very original mechanics and lore.

They just took the Danganronpa formula and replaced the trials with a wanky set of minigames and random questions about the murder. Solving the trials was pretty much the only thing I enjoyed from these games, so I felt really bored when playing this one.

Really fun at first, but the levels get really complicated over time.