34 Reviews liked by Goombrat

Is it easy? Sure?
Is it short? Yes
Is it PEACHY? Fuck yeah it is.

Didn't end up being the game I thought/wanted it to be when I saw its initial reveal. However, still enjoyable! Story is painfully average, and the ending is rushed, but Tokyo is cool and throwing magic gang signs to kill enemies is pretty badass.

God, what a game. If you ask me, the old-school Zelda formula doesn't get much better than this. If Super Mario 64 took video games in a 3D space to a different level, then Ocarina of Time pretty much perfected it. This was such an awesome experience to look back on after playing Tears of the Kingdom, and it feels like it's aged in all the right ways.

A fun and short puzzle game! Somehow I ended up hearing this was a psychological horror game with darker elements, and while it does dip into a little bit of deeper themes it's def not as bad as some people have made it out to be.

I’m by no means close to 100%ing Tears of the Kingdom, but having just completed the story I feel prepared enough to say that it absolutely floored me. Breath of the Wild has been completely blown out of the water, with a total improvement on abilities, unique gameplay mechanics, traversal, sound design, storylines/lore, the list goes on and on and on.
It takes almost no time at all to understand that Tears of the Kingdom attains its own very unique identity despite having the foundation of Breath of the Wild to build from, taking complete advantage of verticality, pre-established characters and locations as well as fresh and inviting additions littered throughout.
There is an unfathomable amount of things to do in this world, taking a distinctly darker approach and allowing its most climactic moments to truly shine and stand out, which was an area where BOTW started to show its cracks. If creativity and open-ended gameplay is something you seek, this game is the magnum-opus. An incredible experience top to bottom.

A take I see around the internet a lot is that this is where the Elder Scrolls franchise went mainstream given its massive success; however, I would argue that Skyrim is the result of the mainstream success Bethesda found with the 3rd installment, Morrowind. That game is where Bethesda had found that simplifying a game and streamlining systems previously more complex to create an accessible experience for a wider audience was a recipe for success. For better or worse, this sealed the fate of the franchise as a whole.

And how do I view the result of 9 years' worth of streamlining? Well, it's a bit complicated. The thing is, I don't entirely hate Skyrim as a video game. It didn't earn the merit of being the biggest success Bethesda had ever released at the time based on reputation alone. As simple as an Elder Scrolls game as Skyrim is compared to its predecessors, it still has enough going for it. The melee combat is pretty darn good. I felt rewarded at points for having to manually aim my strong attacks to avoid hitting a companion or actually hit an enemy who was mid-movement. Archery is good, but it’s impossible for Bethesda to fuck that up.

What they did appear to fuck up, however, is the magic. This being said, I should say upfront that the most magic I’ll use in any Skyrim is generally healing magic. I’ve never deeply delved into this game's magic system, and I can’t begin to imagine what a magic-only run of Skyrim would look like with how bare-bones this game’s magic catalog is. Phasing out movement-based spells is one thing I can understand why something as busted as levitation had to go given the direction the games were going with regard to their environmental structure. This system focuses largely on a three-element scheme: Fire, Ice, & Shock. Every offensive spell is more or less designed with these three elements in mind. There is a vampirism spell that siphons health from enemies, but it seems to be a novice spell without any strong version of it present in the game. And without spell crafting, this limits the level of play for magic heavily. And while I can use some illusion spells to fuck with the enemy, I struggle to imagine why I’d do that for anything beyond a challenge run when the better alternative is to enchant your war axe with a 10% chance of inducing fear and then hacking everything around me into little bits.

So as far as Elder Scrolls games go, Skyrim doesn’t have a lot going for it outside of its setting, and even that feels stale when compared in aesthetic when compared to the dry palette video games were hard focused on having at the time. I can’t hold it fully against this game, however, given the setting they set out to build, the odds were stacked against it having a vibrant environment like Oblivion or something otherworldly like Morrowind. Skyrim is the cold, dry mid-west of Tamriel. Any colors that ought to stand out from the stone gray, dirt brown, & snow white is muted to all hell and back. That being said, I should reiterate that I don’t hold it against Bethesda; in fact, I’d even go as far as to say I kind of like how Skyrim looks. This, of course, is with the massive caveat of moving the other Elder Scrolls games just out of the frame of your mind. But if I do that, then I can say I don’t hate Skyrim as a video game.

Skyrim is just a nice game to shut your brain off. If you don’t think too hard about what you’re doing on any given quest, then you’ll avoid any unnecessary rage from the simple of thought how asinine this game is. There’s no real sense of reputation in this game. No matter how much you do on the side, everyone in the main & guild questlines will treat you like a baby bitch. I suppose it’s because they couldn’t account for that in all the dialogue & writing they’d already done, but that’s something I’ll blame on them using voice acting too much. One can only spend so much on a voice-acting budget before the dialogue has to be curbed for the sake of every NPC having fully voiced lines. So I’ll round off this with my lukewarm take that opting for full voice acting was the worst direction for Bethesda to make period. I think Morrowind’s system for dialogue was so much better and I’d rather have that than hear Stephen Russel or Paul Ganus for the millionth time.

Brave Story: New Traveler is secretly a very underrated gem of the JRPG genre that is stashed away on a handheld no one uses anymore. It's not revolutionary in any way but it's not trying to be. What it does instead is look at the tropes of the genre and execute on them with extreme quality to the point that every aspect of this game is so solid that it wins over your heart no matter how many games you've played where you save the world via the power of friendship.

Also there's a lizard dad and who wouldn't love to pal around with a big lizard dad.

This game is my childhood dream. You can build amazing things in this game and get really creative about how to overcome the obstacles, build really fun devices to travel and explore. Exploration is the most important thing in this game and they did it brilliantly. If you are a guy like me that watches speedruns now and then and try to break every game you started this game will fulfill your dreams. Game gives you couple of hints and ways to play it but you can just make up a way for yourself with the abilities and get really creative. You will most likely think most of the time "Is this how i am supposed to get past here?" and do really crazy things and satisfaction of clearing a dungeon with your own way of thinking is really good. There is limitations to your abilities but they draw the line perfectly and most of the time if you use your brain you can break the game and its perfect.

5/5. Would recommend to anyone with a interest in games. I will buy this game for my child and make this his first game.

It had no business being this good.

I really like Korok Space Program

There was a point in time after I initially completed the 3ds remake of Ocarina of Time when I was fascinated with Zelda and was clamoring for more. However, there was a problem, I was a kid who only got money on a few occasions throughout the year. Because of this inconvenience, it took me a pretty long while before I finally got to purchase most of them, but by that time, the Zelda craze I had was long gone so I didn't get far into playing them. Now that I've finally beaten Wind Waker, all I can say is I wish I played this sooner.

In terms of visuals, Wind Waker is a game that I personally don't think needed too much of an improvement as it still looks a lot more presentable than og OoT and MM partly in thanks to its cartoonish art style. Even with that in mind, the remake was still successful in improving how the game looks since it looks more beautiful than ever in HD.

For the most part, it's your typical 3d Zelda which pretty much entails that you will be exploring the overworld doing quests, venturing through dungeons, and solving puzzles. There is one key difference though and that is how you explore the overworld, sailing. It may not always be the most convenient way of traveling as you will have to change the direction of the wind multiple times, but exploring the seas is a fresh take for Zelda that I still enjoyed. The dungeons in the game were pretty enjoyable and filled with plenty of puzzles that while not absurdly difficult or cryptic will still kick your noggin into gear. Another thing that I wanted to point out is how quickly you go from each dungeon. While I did enjoy exploring around Hyrule in OoT and doing certain tasks before exploring dungeons, I still appreciated that you pretty much just go from one dungeon to the next until a certain infamous part of the game.

The Triforce quest while significantly toned down in this version based on what I've read was still an annoyance. Having to find the Triforce charts adds a repetitive step in getting the Triforce pieces and having Tingle decipher the Triforce charts is not cheap and also makes the quest more bothersome. The reduced amount of 3 charts to find and as a result, the fewer amount of times you have to visit the weird fairy-obsessed man, luckily only makes the whole quest slightly annoying. I can't imagine what it was like in the GameCube version knowing you have to find 8 charts and spend a ridiculous amount of rupees to decipher them all.

Triforce quest aside, its a fantastic Zelda game, GameCube game, and an even more fantastic Wii U game.

Maybe it's because of all the negative reviews I saw going in, but I loved this game! The world is so cool, the visuals are so well done, the story connected with me at the end. Overall, it just hit me right.
The combat is frustratingly simple and doesn't evolve much, but I had a great experience!
Played in GamePass and will for sure buy when it is cheap.

So glad this came out, I missed the time when licensed games were incredibly horrible and abhorrent messes.

I think it's time for a critical re-examination of Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.

(completed on sick mode this time)

i still believe that the game holds your hand waaaay too much and the tutorials that come in even halfway through the game holds a pretty bad taste in my mouth. the worst part is easily the constant backtracking that makes it insanely apparent that it was only added for the game's runtime to last longer. the game has this strong aura of having total filler and locking moves you had before in previous games and then shoving moves in your face really doesn't help it at all. why is there only one competition and why is it so fucking easy? why is classic mode such a rushjob from the 6 levels compared to 12+ in thug2?

despite all these glaring issues preventing me from really enjoying this game to the fullest, it's still a tony hawk game at the end of the day and tony hawk games are the coolest shit ever. you still have that continuation of the satisfying engine thug2 introduced and the new maps are some of the best in the entire series. east LA is contender for the best tony hawk map ever due to the amazing combo potential and every other map also reaches this understanding. so many good songs in the soundtrack as well: bloc party, dfa1979, scissor sisters, the bravery, green day, del, etc. cant really think of another game that has all of these bands. so basically i love skating in this game but the campaign is dogshit alright bye