Little Nightmares is a mysterious 2017 adventure game that reminded me a lot of other games such as INSIDE and Limbo. But it has a unique style that sets it apart and showcases a disturbing universe full of strange characters and challenging puzzles. The game follows a young child in a raincoat as it traverses a dangerous world full of terrifying creatures.

The game’s style, graphics and themes are incredible, I was very amazed and scared with a lot of the things that I saw in Little Nightmares. And this is the thing that I enjoyed the most of it. Most 2.5D platformers shine due to the ambient and scenarios they explore, and Little Nightmares is my favorite of them all.

The Secrets of the Maw DLCs were also fun, but I felt them significantly more tedious, especially with the puzzles. However, they are totally worth it to play, as the ending includes a revelation that really made me think and wrapped up the rest of the game in a great way.

Final Score: 75/100

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Little Nightmares II is insanely more terrifying than the first game. It was such a great experience that impressed me on every level, including the world building, art, horror, and interesting storyline that leaves a lot of space for theories.

I was in awe with each new area that I encountered playing Little Nightmares II. It has a diverse number of characters which are very terrifying and kept me at the edge of my seat. The environments and enemies are creepy, and the art is style reached me on a deep level.
The gameplay is exactly the same as the previous one. As you traverse this world, you have to solve plenty of puzzles, evade enemies and reach new areas which are vastly different and horrifying in their own each ways. I was very entertained as I tried to solve challenging spots while running from nightmarish creatures.

The story has a jaw dropping revelation at the end. If you’ve never played this franchise before, I strongly recommend it. I enjoyed these two games a lot and they are a good example of great horror without violence or gore.

Final Score: 78/100

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Sea of Thieves is a game that interested me due to its themes, mechanics, and ability to be enjoyed with multiplayer. This is my first chapter in looking for new game pass titles to play, and I have to say that I was vastly disappointed. After the initial tutorial and understanding of how the game works, Sea of Thieves became very promising, only before it dawned on me how tedious it actually is.

I can see why many could enjoy this game, especially with friends. But for me, it became apparent that 80-90% would just be a chore as I try to navigate my ship from island to island for hours only to be met with lackluster combat and even more tedium. I want to be clear that I don’t think this is necessarily bad. Death Stranding and the Life is Strange series have a lot of moments that feel like chores, but those games are beautiful to look at and have a great underlying story. This game just feels empty, like the multiplayer game without substance it is.

Final Score: 50/100

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Ark: Survival Evolved is a sandbox survival game that promises a lot, but delivers little. If you are looking for a great experience like this, trust me, just stick to Minecraft. In my two hours of gameplay, I did not see or do a single interesting thing that made the game worth it, even playing for free with game pass. I can't even imagine paying 60+ dollars for this piece of crap.

The gameplay in the game is reduced to menial, and time-consuming chores built on tedious systems that offer little reward to the work put into it. I spent an entire hour of my two just gathering resources to build a crappy straw hut that I couldn’t even move if I wanted to make changes. For people like me who saw the trailers and screenshots showing incredible robot dinosaur battles, Ark is going to be a total disappointment.

Overall, I do not recommend this game. It is boring, tedious, looks terrible, and I can’t comprehend how there are people who have dedicated hundreds of hours into it. Is the end game really worth it? I assume it is considering the people that have done so, but for others who actually value their time, this game is a big, fat no.

Final Score: 32/100

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Don’t Starve is a sandbox survival game with an art style that really resonates with me. I enjoy properties that remind me of Tim Burton or Neil Gaiman’s works, and it does that with the world, music, and visuals. However, the gameplay offers a rewarding yet tedious experience that takes some getting used to.

Don’t Starve has a great style and world that made me curious to explore it. I loved the character designs and the way it pays homage to classic works of horror and gothic culture. I had fun finding new things, although it’s main focus is the fact that you really have to put thought into every step of the way as death is permanent with each run.

The gameplay consists in gathering resources to craft better materials, while trying to stay alive gathering food. In order to survive, you need to manage your priorities as you explore the world while keeping track of your items. The combat is something that I thought could have been better, but given the game’s style I think it is a minor part of the whole picture. Getting used to the mechanics provides a far more enjoyable experience after a while.

Overall, I liked the game and would probably try some new runs in the future as I get more used to it, but I recognize that it can be frustrating to put several hours into a world just to lose it in one mistake.

Final Score: 70/100

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Twelve Minutes is fun and interesting at first, leading me into a mystery that made me use my brain, but then highly frustrated me. The art direction and style is phenomenal, I really enjoy what it was aiming for, but in the end I think it failed in several areas.

I think the game’s biggest flaw is the fact that if you don’t use a guide, there is no possible way to complete the game without investing a heavy amount of time into every single detail, especially since it requires you to remember very specific details that would have never crossed anyone’s mind. In short, this is a hard, confusing game, and that is why many people will not enjoy it.

It seems like a mystery this complicated would have landed far better if it was an established studio instead of an indie developer. However, I still think that it will be remembered and set as an example for videogames as certain forms of art. I personally enjoyed this story and premise, and had a good time playing it.

Final Score: 72/100

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Over the years, there hasn’t been a franchise that I have been more excited to play than Silent Hill. The franchise’s complicated history with Konami has made this game very inaccessible, but I decided to give it a try on emulator. I had a blast, and not only did this game opened the wonderful gates of game emulation for me, but it also introduced me into one of the most captivating and terrifying horror franchises in gaming history.

The story focuses on Harry Mason, who ends up in Silent Hill and has to look for his lost daughter, leading him down a terrifying path as he discovers the town’s secrets. A lot of the characters have their reason for being in Silent Hill, and I found a lot of small details that make the game very layered and deep.

The dark, gritty and industrial setting is iconic. The game is very influential in the way that it uses locations and dark, enclosed spaces to produce anxiety. Although due to the gameplay, it can become tedious and time-consuming to navigate previously explored areas. The puzzles are fun and creative, but without a guide it can be difficult to figure out what you have to do.

Although the gameplay is hilariously outdated for a 3D survival horror shooter, I got used to it relatively quick, so it was not a big problem. As well as the graphics, I realized that even though back in the day they were limited in technology, they still managed to create a game that portrays horror in an effective and powerful way. There were many points where I felt genuinely invested and terrified despite the graphics.

If you plan to play all the Silent Hill games, this one is very important. Besides providing a great experience, it is also a great way to put gaming history in perspective, especially with the survival horror genre.

Final Score: 88/100

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This game takes the dark, industrial, madness horror setting from the last one to the next level. With improved graphics and art design, the feelings of dread are significantly increased. From the Junji Ito-like body horror elements of the enemies, characters such as pyramid head, and the grittiness of the rusty, dark setting are something that define Silent Hill, but shined a lot in this second installment.

The main story between James and Maria is insanely interesting and well-crafted. Without spoiling anything, it is also deeply emotional, adding another existential layer to the horror that the game presents. Every monster, boss and character has a reason for being there, some are representations of the characters’ guilt, pain or sins. Pyramid Head’s story was especially interesting and scary, whenever he appeared I felt the most genuine terror a game has made me feel in a while.

The game is intense, deep, and most of the violence and death is implied, which honestly makes it much more horrifying. There are certain scenes in the game which include symbolism that made my skin crawl. Combined with the body-horror and setting, it made for an experience that for sure is going to cause me many nightmares.

The gameplay is similar to the first Silent Hill, with significant improvements on graphics and controls. I liked the fact that even though I was using an emulator, I got used to them fairly quick. I think this game especially is a must-play for fans of horror games, and I am grateful that emulation and online preservation of it exists despite Konami’s incompetence and disrespect to what could be considered their best franchise.

Final Score: 92/100

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After almost two years, one of my favorite gaming franchises is back with its third major installment, and I couldn’t have been more excited. Life is Strange: True Colors returns with another story that combines drama, beauty, and supernatural elements in a unique and new way. Both for the game's benefit and detriment.

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I'll try to compare this game with the previous ones as least as possible, as those were some of the most impactful gaming experiences I've ever had. I want this one to stand out on its own, and even though it offered many things that made True Colors unique, it was hard to ignore a lot of its downfalls despite its enjoyable moments.

First, I’ll focus on the positives: the game is beautiful. Haven was a perfect location to set the game in, with its history and scenery. It made me wish there was a photo mode implemented as there were so many things to explore and look at. The characters were all likeable and interesting, but there were times where the writing fell short with them.

Alex Chen as our new protagonist is interesting, likeable and a great addition to this franchise. However, we don’t really get to know much about her until the last episode, which focuses a lot on her past with Gabe. Other than that, I think that she was well written and had a couple of memorable moments, especially with her interactions with the other characters.

A key aspect of the Life is Strange games is the main character's power. The way it is implemented as both a gameplay mechanic and story element is crucial to the game’s identity. Which is why I think Alex’s power to feel what others are feeling was downright disappointing, with the exception of one single scene where it was used in an interesting way (Diane at the Bridge).

The game’s story is underwhelming, confusing, and lacking any conflict. While I enjoyed some of the social commentary on corporate control, a lot of the plot’s direction felt like it was going nowhere. I honestly didn't care that much about the end goal of discovering Typhon’s secrets. Compared to the serial killer / disappearance story or the intense western journey of the other two titles, this one felt very tame, watered-down, and boring. It has more of a chill setting that focuses on everyday problems, which can be enjoyable for some, but for me it was a letdown.

The previous games were released in an episodic format, with several months of wait between releases. This is in contrast with True Colors, which was released all at once. I think it was better before, as it gives one more time to process the last episode, but that is just a matter of personal preference.

The endings and their variety were extremely disappointing, to say the least. Again, I hate comparing True Colors to the previous LiS games, but I wish there was more at stake than who you romance in the end. It actually seemed like every single choice you made didn’t actually matter or had any impact, even in the end. Even though the original was similar in this regard, the final choice was massive. And in LiS 2, this was taken to the next level leaving you with drastically different endings depending on the brothers’ relationship.

Overall, I think the game is a decent, relaxing experience. New-comers to the franchise will probably enjoy it. But personally, if you are a hardcore fan of the franchise as I am, you will not like it. As with Tell Me Why last year, I don’t think this will age as well as the previous Life is Strange games, and frankly it didn’t leave me with any desire to replay it.

Final Score: 72/100

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I read John Green mentioning this game in his book “The Anthropocene Reviewed”, in the monopoly essay, which he describes as taking the role of an AI where you exhaust the universe’s resources to make paperclips. This intrigued me, but I never expected to get sucked into it so hard, basically saying goodbye to my evening.

Every time the game introduces a new feature, such as the stock market and the Yomi game, it changed the paradigm of what I had to do and the strategies I needed to create more paperclips. After the drones are released, I really had a hard time understanding what was going on, but what I was seeing was especially humorous. There are many things that keep you addicted, looking at specific parameters in order to come up with strategies to expand the paperclip empire.

This may seem like a game that only shows numbers and letters on screen. But the existential realization of what you have just done at the end, when you have exhausted all of the earth’s matter is mind-blowing. Then the objective is taken to the stars, where you have to drain the universe’s resources through flying space probes. I thought the existential concept of the game was unique, and I appreciate the creativity and dedication to it by the creator.

To conclude, I don’t know how I feel about this game. On one hand I loved the premise, hilarious implications of its plot, and how it handles the dangers of uncontrolled exponential growth. But also, the gameplay became extremely addicting, much more than I am comfortable with and it sucked a big chunk of my day. So I declare that I’ll never play Universal Paperclips again, for the sake of my sanity.

Now, I’ll go meditate in a corner for a while.

Final Score: 68/100

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Silent Hill 3 brilliantly maintains the quality of the previous two games, leading the horror and story in new directions. In this one, we follow Heather Mason in a direct continuation of the first game, where she travels to Silent Hill to understand her past. This chapter serves as the closing of an amazing trilogy that will stand the test of time.

There is so much to like in this chapter in terms of ambience, exploring new locations that are both terrifying and mesmerizing. Another thing I haven’t mentioned in previous reviews is just how staggeringly good the soundtrack is. Akira Yamaoka does a great job composing the instrumental themes in the games, giving it a nostalgic early 2000s feeling that fits well with the tone of the game.

As with the previous Silent Hills, the technology of the time meant that the gameplay would be very outdated, but at this point I got used to it. Although it did become a pain on certain parts, the combat was manageable, but I think in the context and scope of the story, this is the least of my worries about Silent Hill 3. I enjoyed a lot the way the game made me feel anxious by trying to survive within these enclosed spaces with some of the most terrifying monsters I’ve seen.

The story goes back to the cult from the first one with a lot of lore that expands on the town of Silent Hill. While I missed the psychological elements of James’ story, 3 goes full on with the cultish and supernatural horror, making me drop my jaw at all the things I experienced. From the very beginning you face creatures that are pure nightmare fuel. All up to the final boss who is one of the most terrifying monsters I’ve seen in any game or movie.

I really recommend playing these games at least once for any horror fan. With emulation, they are preserved forever in the internet, and the more I get sucked into this franchise, the angrier I become at what could have been with the future of Silent Hill. But these games are a great way to spend time getting scared and appreciating the original survival horror masterpieces.

Final Score: 90/100

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Hollow Knight is an entertaining, fun platformer that I understood why it gets so much love. I had a blast fighting bugs, exploring a beautiful cave system, and meeting colorful characters. The game’s story was intriguing. The characters and world-building are great, full of that indescribable indie game charm. There is a lot to like about the way different areas have a backstory to them, as well as different enemies and obstacles.

The gameplay itself is challenging and encourages the player to look for different ways to reach objectives. I found myself raging for minutes on a battle before trying a different strategy. Unlocking different areas of the map is rewarding and makes for the best parts of Hollow Knight. I highly enjoyed my time with this game and I might pick it up again in the future.

Final Score: 78/100

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Age of Empires is one of the most famous PC games in history, and for a good reason. It is an entertaining, thought-provoking and educational work of art. The fourth entry brings back the classic gameplay with gorgeous, 2020s graphics. I can definitely say that I enjoyed my time with it, and many of the issues I have with the game have to do with my preferences when it comes to gameplay.

I think that Age of Empires is not a game for everyone. The missions are designed to take a long time to complete through trial and error. Although the gameplay is fun, and strategy is an important component, I found that making mistakes can lead to a big chunk of time being wasted. Especially in hard mode, I found it tedious rather than challenging. But I can see how other people can enjoy the way they solve problems and beat missions.

I loved how this game is essentially a documentary. As you play, you learn about real-life events such as the Norman Invasion of England, the 100 Years War, and the Mongolian invasion of Moscow. I thought it was fascinating how any medium can be used to communicate ideas, such as games. The historical part of it was brilliantly done, and it inspires me to learn more about these events.

Overall, I am happy to say that I was satisfied with my first Age of Empires experience in over a decade. But I also have to say that I wish this long-term mission model was more of my style. Nevertheless, I had fun, I learned about history, and understood why this franchise is so loved by many generations.

Final Score: 75/100

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Jurassic World: Evolution 2 was a breath of fresh air this year. I felt the same sense of beauty and fun I did three years ago with the first, which quickly became one of my favorite management games of all time. This one is very similar, but all the new features and gameplay modes make it very worth playing.

Evolution 2’s new maps are amazing. Leaving behind the traditional tropical islands for incredible locations across the United States during the campaign and free modes. I really liked the way you can choose between different islands to create your perfect dinosaur parks.

In terms of gameplay, it is a copy-paste of the first one with improved graphics and new gameplay features. This isn’t a problem, as the new content, maps, challenges, and game modes make up for that fact. There are certain aspects that add an extra layer of challenge, such as the scientists and how you have to periodically check on each dinosaur for things such as health.

I think this game is very promising, I cannot wait to explore more of it, as well as the future updates it will receive. It can get complicated as your parks grow, but that only adds to the fun as you discover different dinosaur species and learn about their real-life facts, something I appreciated a lot.

Final Score: 82/100

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Halo Infinite brings the characters, enemies, and action that made the FPS genre popular into a new era. It goes back to its roots, feeling like a remake of the first, 2001 title, but in a good way. The shooting, story themes, and Master Chief himself are great and very nostalgic.

After the initial levels, I really dig the semi-open-world aspects of it. It really feels like a classic Halo game, but with plenty of modern gaming aspects to it. I liked Infinite, although I wish that the performance was better on PC as I encountered some lag issues. But in the end, I had a good, fun experience.

Final Score: 75/100

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